11 - Establishing Mechanisms for Follow-up

11.1 - The original idea

Soon after the Second PrepCom a meeting in preparation of the Intercessional Meeting planned for October 1994 took place in the Netherlands between ITeM, Eurostep and Novib.58 During this meeting the concrete idea to establish Social Watch as a follow up to the Summit was born. It stemmed from the analysis that:

The idea of a 'Social Watch' was discussed with colleagues in the Development and Women's Caucus and was received with great enthusiasm. The initial response in Novib to the proposed mechanism was, however, luke-warm and no preparations for any follow-up were undertaken. Further consultations were put on hold.

11.2 - Public announcement

During the Summit - under pressure of the media inquiring what NGOs would do to ensure that implementation of all the plans agreed by the Heads of State would indeed take place, it became clear that a mechanism for follow-up was imperative. In response to questions of the press Novib Director Van den Berg announced the establishment of 'Social Watch' at the Summit in Copenhagen, as a Novib follow-up initiative. In a first response to the results of the Social Summit a Novib press statement said:

"In the coming weeks Novib and its partners will start a world-wide campaign to begin to debate the social issue with national governments. The most important question in this debate is what changes in policy are necessary in order to implement the commitments made in Copenhagen.59

"A worldwide 'Social Watch system' is being prepared, which from the interest of the marginalised will attempt to measure the solidity of the the fine-looking intentions of Copenhagen."

Following this statement the launch of an initiative by Novib was announced in the Development and Women's Caucus.
