Switzerland is not on course for a sustainable world. That’s the verdict from Platform Agenda 2030 in its new report “Business as usual at the expense of our planet? Half-time remarks on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Switzerland”. It is calling upon the Federal Council to show more leadership in the transformation needed to halve poverty, protect the climate and human rights, and hold the financial sector to account.

This GPW Round Up #2, Ensuring Social Protection for All, highlights the critical importance of universal social protection not only in recovering from the pandemic, but also its vital role to address pre-existing deep-seated inequalities between and within countries. It details gaps in social protection coverage and financing, especially in poor countries, and failures of the targeted, or means-tested approach, often promoted by IMF and World Bank.

In This Issue

African countries express concerns on damaging effects of IFFs

CSOs question many proposals in the S-G’s flagship report - Our Common Agenda - and its central concept of networked multilateralism.

In the Latin American region, the economic recovery that started in 2021 after the big setback of 2020 did not stop the social crisis. “Unemployment rates and levels of poverty and extreme poverty are higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic”, according to ECLAC, the regional UN Economic Commission.

Among those affected, women suffered “a historic setback”. In its recently published “Social Panorama of Latin America 2021”, ECLAC concludes that “one result of the pandemic has been an overburden of domestic and unpaid care and domestic work primarily assumed by women.

HLPF 2022 Online Side Event. The interlinked global crises from an Arab perspective: Systemic failures and its implications on social justice in the region.



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