Social Watch has a say during the UN General Assembly Hearings

The Summit process is a key opportunity to take stock of which development strategies are actually working and which are not, and what strategic decisions and actions at national and international levels are urgently needed to make decisive progress in the next five years. During the Hearings, Social Watch representatives participated pushing for real changes on financing for development strategies. Besides Social Watch’s active participation in the side event “Reforming finance for the MDGs” (see the article focused on that specific event) watchers were active in different panels.

Thus, Michel Roy, from the Centre de Recherche et d’Information sur le Développement (CRID - The Research and Information Centre for Development) was respondent in the Thematic Session 2, “Equal and inclusive partnerships: Accountability in the fight against poverty”; Bhumika Muchhala, from the Third World Network, was speaker in the Thematic Session 3, “Sustaining development and withstanding crises”; and in the Thematic Session 4, “From voice to policy: 1660 days left”,  Roberto Bissio, the Coordinator of Social Watch, and Aldo Caliari, from The Center of Concern were speakers.  

Presentation at the hearings by Aldo Caliari (Center of Concern/CIDSE)


