Gender and climate change on the road to Cancun

In order to push forward a gender perspective on the international climate change negotiations (COP 16) that take place in Cancun Mexico during November 29 and December 10, 2010, women's groups are organizing a series of activities including events around the world and advocacy work within the conference. 

The Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO) is posting news, video and regular updates over the next two weeks from the international conference on climate change (COP 16). See a list of side events

Gendercc – women for climate justice is the global network of women and gender activists and experts from all world regions working for gender and climate justice. In this section you will find information related to gender and women's activitites in international climate change policy and climate change debates and recent development on negotiations towards the Cancun meeting

The Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA), which brings together more than 35 U.N. agencies and NGOs to ensure that climate change policies, decision-making, and initiatives at the global, regional, and national levels are gender responsive is also following the process. See here

The GGCA, together with the UNDP and the International Union for the Conservation (IUCN) produced a training manual on gender and climate change that is a good source for background information and can be used for further NGO training.


