Tunisian League for Human Rights calls for freedom of belief

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Press (TAP): http://bit.ly/m3izfC 

The Tunisian League for Human Rights (LTDH, national focal point of Social Watch) denounced "the repeated assaults questioning religious beliefs and opinions of individuals and groups by adopting a religious discourse," reports TAP news agency.

The LTDH called upon authorities to "put an end to torture, arbitrary arrests and violation of criminal proceedings," emphasising the need to respect the physical integrity and ensure fair trials, according to the report of TAP (Tunis Afrique Presse News Agency).

"Campaigns accusing persons of apostasy were conducted by some religious trends," said LTDH in a communiqué. It draws the attention to the rise of verbal abuse against women for their opinions and their way of dressing as well as physical violence against artists, citing the case of filmmaker Nouri Bouzid.

The Organisation for the Defence of Human Rights also cautioned against those who try to instrumentalise the educational space and "impose performance of religious rites or apostatising teachers." It also criticised the use of mosques for "political ends, rather than places of prayer."

Referring to arrests during peaceful protests, the LTDH warned against "the continuous physical assaults committed by security forces" and the "arbitrary arrests" against some persons accused of attacking public and private property. It also denounced "the continued torture of arrested people, who were forced to sign minutes," citing the case of protesters of Kasbah 3.

"It is necessary to stop the aggressions that hinder the establishment of a democratic system respecting fundamental human rights and the rule of law and institutions," the LTDH adds.

