Belgium: A platform to get rid of nuclear energy

Nuclear reactor in Doel, Belgium

Source: CNCD-11.11.11

Twenty-five years after the Chernobyl disaster, and when another tragedy is going on in Japan, the Belgian chapter of Greenpeace International, WWF, the Walloon Inter-Environmental Federation and Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL) launched the national platform "Stop & Go" that calls for the end of nuclear energy generation and claims for promoting renewable sources.

These institutions want another organizations of the civil society, business firms, labour unions, political parties, local authorities and interest groups to join the campaign and called Belgian citizens to sign the petition "Let's get out of nuclear".

"Stop & Go" requires the government to ensure that the law about nuclear energy phase-out, approved in 2003, is upheld. It also calls for the urgent design of a long-term energy policy. 

"The current policy is based on ad hoc decisions and can be challenged at any time,” Cecile de Schoutheete, spokeswoman of the Walloon Inter-Environmental Federation, said. “A stable framework for new investors in the energy market is needed, with a long-term vision of 100% renewable sources. The closing of the nuclear plants according to the law will pave the way for the consistent development of renewable energy."

"The world haven’t get to a solution for the nuclear waste yet,” warned Eloi Glorieux, from Greenpeace Belgium. “Many scenarios are unpredictable, as a major nuclear disaster can occur anywhere, anytime and in any type of reactor. An accident at (the power stations of) Doel and Tihange would cause an irreversible environmental, social and economic disaster, because of the high demographic density of our country. And nuclear power is very expensive. We pay on our electricity bill billions of euros every year and another millions of euros from our taxes.”

"The three oldest nuclear reactors may be closed as the legislators planned, in 2015, without jeopardizing our electric supply,” WWF’s Jan Vandermosten added. “However, it is necessary to save more energy to ensure a secure, sustainable and affordable supply in the long-term.”

The petition (in French):

More information (in French:

