SOCIAL WATCH E-NEWSLETTER - Issue 62 - November 4, 2011

Issue 62 - November 4, 2011

Road to Rio2012 gets shorter


Social Watch: Global peace threatened

More than 300 civil society organizations submitted their proposals for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio2012). In its paper, Social Watch remembered that the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 stated that “the major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable pattern of consumption and production, particularly in industrialized countries (...) aggravating poverty and imbalances”, and warned that “this is still true today”.
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Civil Society Reflection Group: “We are already living on borrowed time”

“We have exceeded the ecological limits and ignore the planetary boundaries. With the climate change threat we are already living on borrowed time. However, we refuse to cut back on emissions and allocate the scarce resources to those who have not yet benefitted from their exploitation,” warned the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives in its proposal to the conference Rio2012.
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TWN: Unfulfilled commitments and promises

On its contribution to Rio2012, the Third World Network (TWN) linked the expectations that surround the conference with the “unfulfilled commitments and promises” taken on by the world leaders almost 20 years ago.
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Eurostep: Global economic imbalances must be addressed

“Human activity has been the major cause of the environmental, social and economic problems that we face. The present challenges cannot be tackled in isolation and responses must be global,” noted Eurostep in its proposal for the conference Rio2012.
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Tunisia: LTDH reports infringements but with no impact on elections

A preliminary report on the elections of the National Constituent Assembly drawn up by the Tunisian League for Human Rights (LTDH, one of the focal points of Social Watch in this arab country) revealed the existence of infringements and shortcomings during the polls and the vote counting, noting, however, that they had not impacted on the electoral process, according to Tunisian News Agency (TAP).
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Argentina: IACHR hears complaints of police brutality against Qom community

The government of the Argentinean province of Formosa committed before the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights (IACHR) to search on a solution to the demands of Nam Qom indigenous community, that accuses the provincial police force of brutality. The community is represented by represented by Centre for Legal and Social Studies (Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, CELS), national focal point of Social Watch.
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Made possible thanks to the funding and support of the European Union and Oxfam Novib.
The international secretariat of Social Watch also receives funding and support from the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Social Watch and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, Oxfam Novib and the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.

