SOCIAL WATCH E-NEWSLETTER - Issue 64 - November 18, 2011

Issue 64 - November 18, 2011

A week of global actions for climate justice

Photo: CSA

Civil society is not standing with arms crossed in view of the seeming impasse of the deliberations on the way to the United Nations Climate Change Conference that will begin on Nov 28 in Durban, South Africa. Dozens of organizations launched an urgent call to persuade the industrialized countries to renew their commitment to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and they also prepare mobilizations for climate justice all over the world for the next week, on the eve of the meeting.

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“The incineration of Africa”

“Science says that Africa's geo-physical characteristics make it liable to warm up one-and-half times the global average. Any more warming beyond a critical threshold will in the words of the Ambassador Lumumba Di- Aping of Sudan, then Chair of G77, result in the ‘incineration of Africa’,” warns African Agenda, magazine published by Third World Network-Africa.

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Developing countries determined to save climate regime

The Group of 77 and China, the Alliance of Small Island States, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), the African Group, and the Least Developed countries called for the preservation of the Kyoto Protocol in the last official preparatory meeting for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, reported Meena Raman, legal advisor and researcher of the Third World Network.

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Durban: And the climate dance continues

Yet another UN climate conference will take place at the end of November in Durban, South Africa. It is the last chance to seamlessly replace the Kyoto Protocol – which expires in 2012 – with a follow-up protocol, warned Nicole Werner, expert on environment and climate of Alliance Sud, focal point of Social Watch in Switzerland.

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Richest 20% of Canadians have biggest carbon footprint

The richest 20% of Canadian income earners are responsible for almost double (1.8 times) the greenhouse gas emissions of those in the lowest income group, says a new study released this week by in Ottawa by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, one of the focal points of Social Watch in that North American country.

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Call to WTO: Food, Jobs and Sustainable Development First

“The emergence of the global financial, food, economic, and other crises - which the WTO’s privatization and liberalization rules contributed to, and failed to prevent - provides an opportunity to reflect on the serious problems endemic to the particular model of globalization that the WTO has consolidated globally,” urged several civil society organizations ahead of the 8th Ministerial Meeting of that multilateral institution in Geneva next month.

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The international secretariat of Social Watch also receives funding and support from the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.

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