SOCIAL WATCH E-NEWSLETTER - Issue 67 - December 08, 2011

Issue 67 - December 08, 2011


Civil society urges Rio+20 to create the Ombudsperson for Future Generations

Future generations can’t control the present. They need international institutions that defend their rights. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) to be held next year in Rio de Janeiro gives the opportunity to create them, agreed representatives of civil society from all over the world in their contributions to the Social Watch Report 2012, that will be launched in New York on Friday 9.
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Siria: ¡Detengamos la masacre!

La ciudad siria de Holms continúa bajo asedio militar, con un saldo en vidas humanas perdidas que aumenta minuto a minuto, según informes confiables de fuentes libanesas cercanas a Social Watch y ubicadas a pocos kilómetros de los ataques. La situación ha evolucionado a la categoría de masacre sistemática y de crisis humanitaria, agregaron.

Cientos de muertes, miles de personas heridas y las crecientes dificultades que sufre la población civil nos imponen a todos el desafío de mantenernos informados, poner en circulación las noticias y movilizarnos para exigirles a todos los líderes del mundo que actúen para ponerle fin a la masacre.

Crisis strengthens European society focus on sustainable development

European civil society organizations had already focused on the issue of sustainable development before the beginning of the current economic, environmental and social global crises. This concern has spread throughout the societies in several forms, from a mounting pressure on governments, massive demonstrations and calls to referenda, stresses the Social Watch Report 2012.
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Climate change, a multi-headed monster

Sub-saharian Africa and South Asia, the poorest regions of the world and those that emit less greenhouse gases, are also suffering the most severe situation for the climate change caused by human activity, along with the least developed nations of Southeast Asia, according to the Social Watch Report 2012.
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Exhaustion of water darkens Arab region’s future

The bad usage of water is depleting this scarce and vital resource in the Arab region, preventing the development of the countries and sinking the people’s hope of a better life, warns the Social Watch Report 2012.
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Industrialized North drives developing countries to monoculture

Economic growth “at any cost” has driven many developing countries, especially in Latin America, to focus on the production of a limited variety of crops, frequently only one, driven by the demand from industrialized nations and risking their right to development and to food sovereignty and security, according to the Social Watch Report 2012.
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Extractive industries lead to growth without social benefits

The economic growth driven by extractive industries as its main motor, led by increasing commodity prices, “is not benefitting the majorities” of the population of developing countries, concludes to the Social Watch Report 2012.
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Made possible thanks to the funding and support of the European Union and Oxfam Novib.
The international secretariat of Social Watch also receives funding and support from the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Social Watch and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, Oxfam Novib and the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.

