Yemen: Envisioning an end to discrimination against women

Photo: HRITC

The Human Rights Information & Training Center (HRITC), focal point of Social Watch in Yemen, held this month a panel discussion in Aden about the implementation of the UN Security Council resolution 1325, which focuses on putting an end to discrimination against women and promoting an agenda of peace and security.

More than 50 activists – including Maha Awadh, Amna Mohsen and representatives of civil society organizations – participated in the debate, supported by the International Women’s Union for Peace and Freedom.

The discussion focused on the challenges and obstacles in the way of the full participation of women, access to decision-making positions and their ability to determine priorities to ensure peace, security and equality for women.

This discussion concluded with some suggestions and recommendations. The panelists primarily focused on activating laws and institutional procedures to mitigate the ravages of armed conflict on women and developing centers to counsel and provide psychosocial, social and legal support to women and families.

Furthermore, they demanded integrated studies on the women’s needs and to monitor the features of their conditions in armed conflict and at work, with the aim too create a database disaggregated by gender.

The activists agreed that ensuring women’s knowledge of their rights will enable them to claim and promote them. According to the participants, further education for all men and women about women’s rights and their responsibilities would ensure a growing respect for the rights of others.

Other points of emphasis were working on women’s access to justice, striving to achieve equality before the law, and ensuring that perpetrators of violence against women have the least possible chances of escaping punishment.

More information
Resolution 1325:

National Yemen:

HRITC (in Arab):

