Arab NGO Network for Development: “Human rights, equality and justice”

Photo: ANND

“The popular mobilization” in the Arab world “would not calm whatever the difficulties were until the achievement of the desired goals,” said Ziad Abdel Samad, Executive Director ofhe Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), after its most recent General Assembly, held on 29-30 May in Beirut.

The Assembly confirmed ANND’s commitment to promote and protect the economic and social rights. The network reviewed at the meeting its work in the previous phase, and discuss strategic directions for the coming period.

Ziad Abdel Samad’s statement after the General Assembly reads as follows:

“ANND just finalized its 8th General Assembly meeting in light of some current complicated regional and international developments. It is true that this period is full of vagueness and challenges but it is no doubt that it is considered as a constituent phase of the quest for a civil and democratic state based on human rights and justice. This assertion comes from the fact that the popular mobilization would not calm whatever the difficulties were until the achievement of the desired goals. There will be no step backwards till fair and just solutions are achieved for all despite the great challenges ahead.

“The uprisings of the Arab peoples questioned the development models that have been followed for decades and called for an anticipation of the approaches and policies followed based on the previous experiences and outcomes. Indeed, the popular uprisings put the political paradigms into question, whereas these paradigms facilitated the exemption of the popular participation, and handed the authorities to corrupt regimes that monopolized illegal wealth at the account of their people. These revolutions have rehabilitated the necessary popular legitimacy of the ruling and governing authorities due to the mobilization of the collective popular will.

“Moreover, The General Assembly meeting coincided with the aggravation of the global financial, economic, and ecological crisis along with a continuous increase in food and energy prices. The emergence and persistence of the crisis for five years confirmed the solutions cannot put back the world in the right track unless the development paradigms in addition to consumption and production patterns are reconsidered. The free exchange of goods and services, free flaw of capital, intellectual property, and labor should be reconsidered as well. Hence a new development paradigm would have to be based on the principles of universal human rights, equality, justice and principles of equal participation.

“The General Assembly have confirmed on the commitment to the mission that ANND followed since the inception of its work, in terms of enhancing and strengthening civil society advocacy roles on the social and economic levels. In addition, the General Assembly welcomed the new members from Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Sudan and Mauritania, which will have a significant impact in pumping new vitality and expansion of the scope of work in a broader and participatory manner.

“Indeed, the broad participation of members of the Network and their civil society partners from different Arab countries have added to the dialogue and debate a distinctive character and gave a strong impetus to move forward in the face of the challenges faced by most countries in the region.

“Moreover ANND confirmed on its commitment to keep facing the challenges of building a civil democratic state, based on rights, law, and constitutional, political and administrative institutions. Whereby this state ensures the peaceful succession of power based on laws and transparent and just electoral mechanisms. This state in the insurance of participation, and the guarantee of the workers and unemployed rights, in addition to securing the rights of minorities and weak, where these rights are put the core of its work

“Last but not least the ANND confirmed its full commitment to the just issues the people of the region aspires in terms of peace and security, especially the Arab-Israeli conflict, which can not be resolved without ensuring the respect for the legitimate rights of Palestinian people according to the relevant international commitments and decisions, in addition to solving regional and national conflicts that require fair and equitable solutions built on international law and human rights standards.. The General Assembly acknowledged that of achieving security and peace in the region is the starting point for achieving justice, promotion and protection of human rights and the development of the democratic structure as a whole.

“Now, after the General Assembly proceedings ended successfully, we go back to work on the maintenance of economic and social rights, justice for all, democracy and development. “

Executive Director
Ziad Abdel Samad
