Eritrea: Humanitarian, political and economic crises are worsening

In its last regular session this month in Pretoria, the General Council of the Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR, national focal point of Social Watch) took note of the worsening humanitarian, political and economic crises in the African country, and underlined that every effort should be exerted to bring about durable solutions for those who need protection.

The Council also discussed “with sadness” the plight of Eritrean refugees in different countries, with particular emphasis to those who are under precarious situations such as those in Sinai, Sudan, Ethiopia, Israel, and Italy..

In its session, on 14th July, the Council assessed the organization’s work in the last few years and discussed the major challenges it faced and passed resolutions to strengthen the capacity of the organization in order to meet those challenges.

The body also accepted and appreciated the resignations of its speaker and of the Executive Committee members. Subsequently, it elected seven new members of the Transitional Executive Committee, Speaker and Deputy Speaker, whose terms will last until the next annual congress.

Furthermore, the General Council noted that as a matter of procedure the EMDHR, at organization level, has never participated in any conference held in Ethiopia or elsewhere.

However, regardless time and space, the body unequivocally expressed its appreciation for and solidarity with the relentless and audacious efforts of any Eritrean individuals or groups and friends, including EMDHR members in South Africa that promotes and works to bring change that serves the interests and wishes of the Eritrean people.

Finally, the EMDHR called upon all Eritreans and the international community to urgently respond to the national refugee crisis. Equally we call for urgent action to end the worst humanitarian, political, and economic tragedy of the 21st century in Eritrea.



