ATD Fourth World: “Extreme poverty is violence; break the silence”
“Alongside the violence of deprivation exists another equally extreme form of violence: the humiliation and contempt that denies a person’s humanity, ‘like we were not even humans’. This attitude leads to many types of violence: continual disrespect, humiliation, discrimination, verbal abuse, and denial of basic rights. This can go as far as physical blows at school, work, and in the street,” according to the final report of an “action-research project” developed by the International Movement ATD Fourth World on the connections between extreme poverty, violence and peace. Read more
Bahrain: Verdict on Nabeel Rajab’s appeal expected on December 11
The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights and the World Organisation Against Torture, deplored the Bahrain Appeals Court’s refusal to refer a petition for preliminary ruling on the legality of the law prohibiting demonstrations in Bahrain and to release Nabeel Rajab, who has been arbitrarily detained since July. Read more
Tunisian women address post-Revolution access to abortion services
Access to state-provided abortion services has worsened since the Tunisian Revolution, according to the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women. Residents of some regions in the country, especially in the South and the North West, have complained that abortion services have not been available since the Revolution. Read more
Mainstream economics and the global crisis
At this month’s economics conference in Turkey, some economists discussed the causes and projections of the global economic crisis, plus the adequacy of Economics in predicting and dealing with the crisis. Martin Khor, executive director of South Centre, summarized the more important contributions on his column for The Star, one of the leading Malaysian newspapers, and for Agenda Global. Read more
India: Gujarat Assembly work reviewed on “Vidhan Tantra-Aam Aadmi Ni Najre”
Gujarat Social Watch has come up with study and analysis of the works of this Indian state Legislative Assembly-10th session of 12th assembly, as the elections are due in December this year. The book “Vidhantantra-Am Adami Ni Najare” is an effort to promote public engagement and improve accessibility and accountability to the members of this parliamentary body. Read more