Social Watch E-Newsletter - Issue 195 - November 28, 2014

Issue 195 - November 28, 2014

Social Watch Philippines' Briones scores Senate over definition of savings


The budget watchdog Social Watch Philippines on Friday criticized the Senate for retaining the new definition of savings in the 2015 budget that it approved, and the possibility of funding for an expense item being declared as savings at any time of the year.
"Such a redefinition can perpetuate the pork barrel system and mechanisms similar to the Disbursement Acceleration Program, both of which have been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court," the group said in a statement.
According to the Senate approved budget, savings are defined as "portions or balances of any released appropriations in the GAA which have not been obligated." The House-approved bill, meanwhile, does not require that the funds be released to be declared as savings, only that such funds have not been obligated." Read more

  Why tackle the links between illicit capital flows, tax policies and gender justice?
The loss of tax revenues due to international tax evasion and avoidance significantly reduce the funds available to finance policies aimed at fulfilling the human rights of women and girls and gender justice.
Due to the structural nature of gender inequality and its intersection with other categories such as age, race-ethnicity, sexual orientation and income, women in most of societies continue to be overrepresented in the lowest quintiles of the income distribution, continue to be the most responsible for unpaid and care work, continue to be concentrated in the most precarious and poorly paid jobs, are still a minority in the spaces of representation and leadership in political, labor or territories, still face gender-based violence, human trafficking, and continue to have their sexual and reproductive rights and autonomy limited.
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As far as financial issues are concerned, the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) is shaping up to become 2015's most important summit. If an ambitious global financing framework is not agreed in Addis Ababa next July, the success of the September summit on new Sustainable Development Goals and a post-2015 framework will also be in jeopardy. Even the climate summit in Paris at the end of 2015 risks being undermined. Before the actual FfD negotiations start in January, the UN conducted 'a substantive informal session' in New York from 10-13 November, which aimed to launch an open debate on the financing for development issues at stake in Addis. Read more


The UNCTAD Virtual Institute and the UNCTAD Trade, Gender and Development Section have pooled their expertise to develop an on-line course on trade and gender from January 19 to March 8, 2015.
The course targets academics, policymakers and representatives of civil society in developing and transition countries involved in research, teaching, policy formulation and implementation, or field work in the area of trade and gender. Qualified women candidates, as well as candidates from sub-Saharan Africa and the least developed countries, are particularly encouraged to apply.
The deadline for applications is 1 December, 2014. Applicants must hold a Master's degree in Economics, Law, Political Science or a related area, and have an excellent knowledge of English. Read more



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