Social Watch E-Newsletter - Issue 215 - May 22, 2015

Issue 215 - May 22, 2015

Workers address global systemic issues

Photo: ITUC.
The FfD agenda is an important reference point for discussions on development finance, and serves as a unique space where governments, in particular from the South, are able to debate important issues like trade and foreign direct investment as well as systemic issues like the international financial architecture and financial regulation. These are the global economic issues that were absent in the origin and overall framework of the Millennium Development Goals and remain piecemeal in the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework. Read more.



How corporatization devalues teaching, research, and public service in universities


Simmering conflicts in higher education have reached the boiling point across Canada and around the globe. Teach-ins, occupations, strikes, and mass protests are being mobilized against exorbitant tuition fees, declining educational quality, mismanagement, the commodification of research, and the suppression of free speech and critical inquiry. A Penny For Your Thoughts, a new book from CCPA's Education Project, shows how Canadian higher education has come to this point.
Through 17 real time studies, it tracks how the deteriorating condition of postsecondary education is rooted in corporatization, the process through which universities and colleges increasingly work for, with, and as businesses. The book’s central message is that the current state of Canadian universities is neither natural nor inevitable: it is the outcome of choices, policies, and actions that can be unmade and undone. Read more


It is often argued that social protection is not affordable or that government expenditure cuts are inevitable during adjustment periods. But there are alternatives, even in the poorest countries. A recent ILO paper “Fiscal Space for Social Protection: Options to Expand Social Investments in 187 Countries” offers an array of options that can be explored to expand fiscal space and generate resources for social investments. Read more


The 2016 AWID International Forum on Women's Rights and Development “Feminist Futures: Building Collective Power for Rights and Justice” will take place from 5 to 9 May 2016 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
You can contribute to the 2016 Forum by submitting a proposal to organize a session. This invitation is for those who believe in futures free from gendered oppressions, the realization of full rights for people and planet, and self-determination from the body to the nation. Read more



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