Switzerland: Secrecy is incompatible with the 2030 Agenda

The negative impact on developing countries of the secrecy of the Swiss banking system, which encourages damaging tax evasion, corruption and illicit financial flows, was highlighted by civil society when Switzerland submitted its report about the 2030 Agenda to the United Nations. "Switzerland continues to host the largest offshore financial centre in the world" says the alternative report of Aliiance Sud. In 2015, Swiss banks administered foreign assets in the total amount of 2,300 billion francs.

Civil society criticizes the lack of political will in allocating adequate resources for appropriate measures at home and abroad, especially against Switzerland's engagement and commitments at the international level during the post-2015 process. This raises questions about the extent to which Switzerland is institutionally and strategically prepared for effective planning and implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Source: Switzerland National Report, Social Watch Report 2016.

