Love (and health) in the Time of Corona

Love (And Health) In The Time Of Corona: The Evolving Shape Of State, Market And Society Triumvirate, As Seen From Latin America.

Week 8 of the series on IMAGINARIES FOR A RESILIENT AND INCLUSIVE NEW WORLD, organized by the ENvironment Support Group of India

Friday 12 - 5 PM (IST) - 11:30 GMT

Latin America is at once showing some of the worst impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic (Brazil, Ecuador, Peru) and also the most successful approaches to tackling the pandemic (Costa Rica, Cuba, Uruguay). What factors shape this difference?

In this talk, Roberto Bissio explores how inequalities, social security systems, care policies and women are shaping such divergent outcomes of the pandemic. He will trace the history of real neoliberalism which started in Latin America, when radical theoretical reformulation of the roles of State and Market were forcefully applied in Chile by the Pinochet regime. He will explain why countries that followed that path are suffering the most from Covid-19 pandemic, while those that adopted a very different pathway seem to be doing very well, despite the most challenging circumstances. He will enquire if these contrasting developments indicate that the end of neoliberalism is in sight?

Bissio will argue the COVID pandemic forces the public into a leading role, even if reluctantly. Will a new social contract between State, Market and Society be drafted as a consequence?

More information here and here. The video is here.


Roberto Bissio - Speaker, Week 8
Roberto Bissio, from Uruguay, coordinates the secretariat of Social Watch, an international network of citizen organizations that reports regularly on how governments and international organizations implement their commitments. He is co-editor of Global Policy Watch and a member of the Civil Society Reflection Group on Sustainable Development. Bissio is a founding member of the Third World Institute, a non-profit research and advocacy organization based in Uruguay and he served in the civil society advisory group to the UNDP administrator. He regularly writes on sustainable development issues as a columnist.

