Invitation: Interfacing Government and Civil Societies for Development and Sustainable Peace

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“Toward A Self Esteemed Independent CSO/NGO Sector”

In Zoom with Bangla and English translation facilities. Non-member, please register in this link, you will receive the software link later.

Session 10th Oct. Dhaka time 11h30: UN in 75, Interfacing Government and Civil Societies for Development and Sustainable Peace

Distinguished speaker: Mr. Roberto Bissio, Social Watch, Uruguay.

Panel Members; Ms. Shaheen Anam, MJF: Ms. Smruti Patel, GMI and A4EP, Switzerland; Mr. Koenrad Van Brabant, GMI; Mr. Mohsin Ali, WAVE Foundation; Md. Rafiqul Alam, FNB; Mr. Abu Morshed Chowdhury, PHALS & CCNF; Mr. Rafiqul Alam, Rupantor; Md. Arifur Rahman, YPSA, Mr. Fayezullah Chowhdhury, BUP; Ms. Momtaz Begum, Ashray.

You can now put your comments and question on this session in this link.

Registration here.

Local times:
Manila - 1:30 pm
Dhaka - 11:30 am
Beirut - 8:30 am
Paris - 7:30 am
Buenos Aires - 2:30 am
New York - 1:30 am

