Statement by LDC Watch at the United Nations High Level Event on the Millennium Development Goals
Published on Tue, 2008-09-30 11:00
NEW YORK, 25 SEPTEMBER 2008 - Current development models and policies have completely failed the world’s poorest countries – the least developed countries (LDCs). The LDCs Group was established by the UN in 1971 in recognition of the specific needs and constraints facing the world’s poorest countries, and therefore the need for specific strategies for these countries. “The fact that the number of LDCs has increased from 24 to 49 presently is proof enough”, says Dr Arjun Karki, Chair of LDC Watch. According to UNCTAD, although LDCs are achieving record rates of economic growth this is not benefiting those living in poverty. DownloadStatement (wordformat or pdfformat) ü Criticallyreview the Brussels Programme for a meaningful preparation towards the UN LDCIVin 2011. ü Increaseaid allocations for the provision of basic social services, support forlivelihoods and the development of social infrastructure in order to tacklepoverty and socio-economic injustices as well as building human andinstitutional capacities for enhancing productive capacities in the LDCs. ü Committo the complete untying of aid so as to enable an increase it is effectiveness. ü Endall aid conditionalities, including policy prescriptions and structuraladjustment reforms that have only exacerbated poverty, undermined sustainabledevelopment and increased vulnerability to financial volatility. ü Increaseaid allocations towards the promotion of gender equality and women’sempowerment for their meaningful participation in all development processes. ü Increaseaid allocations towards supporting sustainable eco-agricultural systems thatensure food security as well as food sovereignty for small and marginalisedfarmers. The right to food sovereignty approach is key in addressing thestructural causes of hunger and the rising food price crisis. ü Fosterfair and non-discriminatory trade rules linking human development and povertyeradication. Accelerate 100 per cent duty-free and quota-free market access.Ensure that regional and bilateral trade agreements are based on the principleof mutual partnership upholding sovereignty and the rights of countries andpeoples. ü Cancelall multilateral debt. Cancellation should be unconditional and based on theprinciples of justice and reparation, including recognition of the totalillegitimacy of these debts. The various debt relief initiatives, including thejoint World Bank-IMF debt sustainability framework, have failed as no debt islogically sustainable. Debt servicing is unjust when done at the expense ofsocial sector expenditure as is the case. ü Promotegood governance embodying transparency, accountability and due policy space inall decision-making processes. ü Adhereto an integrated climate risk management framework that reduces the ever-growingvulnerability associated with climate change and addresses climate justice. Allenvironmentally degrading projects must be stopped as a first step towardsaddressing the growing problem of environmental refugees. Total transparency andaccountability must be ensured in the planned multi-donor trust fund to combatclimate change. It must also fully respect country and local ownership. ü Recognisecivil society as equal partners in development and provide it with due space andsupport in formulating development policies and in decision-making.
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