URGENT ACTION: sign-on statement on global economic reform summit

A global campaign is being launched by civil society organisations worldwide in order to push the issue of an open and transparent conference convened by the UN to review the international financial and monetary architecture. This implies as well a revision about aims and objectives of the institutions that serve this purpose and their governance. PLEASE, SIGN THE STATEMENT BEFORE NOVEMBER 13th.

Here: http://www.choike.org/bw2

Conference FAQs (Bretton Woods Project)


Social Watch Report 2006, Impossible Architecture.(Social Watch)

In depth. The global financial crisis: implications for the South. (CHOIKE)

Intelligence and responses towards a so-called "Bretton Woods 2" (Bretton Woods Project)

Why does IMF want to ratchet up pressure on poor? (IFIWatchnet)

Brown calls for new Bretton Woods meeting (Reuters)

Zoellick's call to overhaul the multilateral system (World Bank Group)

European NGO statement on Bank governance reform (Bretton Woods Project)

