Social Watch sponsored events at the World Social Forum:

Launch of the Social Watch 2008 Report: Rights is the Answer! Civil Society Responses to the World Financial Crisis
Organized by: Social Watch, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Global Policy Forum, terre des hommes
January 30, Session 3 (3:30 – 6:30 PM)
UFRA Prédio Central, Block B, Room B 003

After the Doha Conference – Which Way Forward for the Financing for Development Agenda? Civil Society Perspectives and Strategies
Organized by: Social Watch, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Global Policy Forum, terre des hommes
January 31, Session 1 (8:30-11:30 AM)
UFRA Prédio Central, Block B, Room B 003

Tools for Human Rights Budgeting
Organized by: Social Watch, Global Policy Forum, terre des homes
January 31, Session 2 (12 noon – 3 PM)
UFRA, Medicina Veterinaria Building, Auditorium

Social Watch Network Meeting
January 28, 6:30 PM
Meet at the front entrance of the UFRA Prédio Central, Block B
For information on the Social Watch events, contact

Selected events sponsored by Social Watch national groups at the World Social Forum:

Agriculture, Food, Biofuels, and Climate Change
Organized by: Coordination SUD
January 28, Session 3
UFPA Profissional, Room E2

Youth Participation and the Construction of Public Spaces in South America
Organized by: Ibase, Polis, Açao Educativa, FES, Conjuve
January 29, Session 1
UFPA Profissional, Room Bp1

Faced with Global Crisis, We Must Reform the Global Institutions
Organized by: UBUNTU
January 29, Session 1
UFRA Prédio Central, Block A, Room A 001

The Global Economic Crisis and the Search for Alternatives
Organized by: Jubileo Sur, ITeM, Instituto Rosa Luxemburgo, Rede Brasil, Oilwatch International, Jubileo Peru, Latindadd, ILSA
January 29, Session 3
UFRA.- Tenda Multiuso 3

Public Funds and the Environment
Organized by: Ibase and International Budget Partnership
January 30, Session 1
UFPA Profissional, Room HP02

Development Alternatives from a Gender and South Perspective: Launching of the Womens´ South-South Forum
Organized by: DAWN and IGTN
January 30, Session 2
UFRA – Tenda Multiuso 4

Towards a Tax Justice Network in Latin America
Organized by: Tax Justice Network, Latindadd, CEDLA, CCFC, SOMO
January 30, Session 3
UFPA Profissional, Room EP10

Civil Society and Political Systems in Latin America
Organized by: Inesc and other partner organizations
January 30, 7:00 PM
UFPA Profissional, Jose Accurcio Auditorium

Durban: Advances and Challenges for the Review Process
Organized by: Criola
January 31, Session 1
UFPA Basico, Room A1

From Crisis to Crisis: Food, Fuel, Finance and the Road Ahead
Organized by: GCAP, NACDOR, UNMC, CIVICUS, Arab NGO Network for Development
January 31, Session 2
UFPA Profissional, ICJ, Auditorium


  • 16-20 February: Meeting of Social Watch Coordinating Committee and EC Project Management Committee, Lima, Peru


  • 2-13 March: Fifty-third Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations, New York, web site:
  • 28 March: Counter-demonstration at the G-20 meeting and worldwide mobilization for a just solution to the financial crisis, London and around the globe, contact:

