Social Watch Report 2012 - THE RIGHT TO A FUTURE
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Table of contents
- Social Watch around the world
- Social Watch: promoting accountability
- Table of contents
- An overview of the Social Watch Report 2012: The right to a future
- Human rights should be at the core of economic recovery
- Rio+20 and beyond: no future without justice
- Rio+20: Implementation is the key
- Sustainable development and a renewed role for the State in the Arab region
- Switching paradigms: the only way forward
- Nigeria: Keys for sustainable poverty reduction
- How to assess the sustainability of development: lines of European intervention
- Current practices are threatening our very existence
- Green and Equal: Financing for Sustainable and Equitable Development
- From aid effectiveness to tax justice
- Intergenerational Justice: satisfying needs instead of greed
- The indignados are asking the right questions about Europe’s future
- Housing, land and sustainable development
- From the grassroots: NATIONAL REPORTS
- Afghanistan: No sustainable development without peace and security
- Argentina: The long road to lasting development
- Armenia: Undermining the environment
- Azerbaijan: The demise of the extractive economic model
- Bahrain: Two vital resources exhausted: a degraded future
- Bangladesh: Unsustainability increases vulnerability
- Belgium: A call for climate justice for everyone
- Benin: Without dialogue or planning there can be no sustainable development
- Bolivia: Progress and setbacks in the defence of Pachamama
- Brazil: The rape of the Amazon
- Bulgaria: The environment is back on the agenda
- Cambodia: Human and social capacities should be the priority
- Cameroon: While the Government silences protests, the environmental alarm gets louder
- Canada: Growth: a question of means, not ends
- Central African Republic: Ominous trends
- Chile: Many promises, little commitment
- Colombia: Extraction-led growth versus people’s well-being
- Croatia: Civil society: the sole defender of the public interest
- Cyprus: Needed: sustainable schools
- Czech Republic: The need for a change
- Dominican Republic: Inequality is the biggest obstacle
- Ecuador: Large scale mining: unsustainable development on and on
- El Salvador: Now is the time for environmental strategies
- Eritrea: Engineering a failed State
- Finland: Politics of sustainability
- France: We need less inequality and a little more fraternity
- Germany: Great expectations, limited outcome
- Ghana: Climate change policies and citizen’s rights
- Guatemala: Knocking on environmental death’s doors
- Honduras: Unbearable levels of violence
- Hungary: Growing social inequalities
- India: Ill-founded growth leads to environmental disaster
- Iraq: The growing role of civil society
- Italy: Sustainable development: not the Government’s priority
- Kenya: Reaching a turning point
- Korea, Rep.: The Government’s narrow conception of green
- Malaysia: Development at the cost of sustainability
- Malta: Time to wake up
- Mexico: A path to nowhere
- Morocco: A thirsty future
- Mozambique: An irresponsible administration
- Myanmar: Militarized development is always untenable
- Nepal: Unsustainability: causes and consequences
- Nicaragua: Taxes for a better future
- Nigeria: Rethinking development
- Pakistan: Squandering the potential for true development
- Panama: Economic growth is not enough
- Paraguay: The country must be rebuilt on new foundations
- Peru: Environmental disaster and minimal efforts
- Philippines: Clearing the path to sustainability
- Poland: A Green New Deal
- Senegal: A social and ecological time bomb
- Serbia: Laws and strategies await implementation
- Slovenia: The downward spiral continues
- Somalia: The quest for stability
- Spain: Wasted words, empty policies
- Sri Lanka: People and the environment should be first
- Sudan: Two countries, more challenges
- Tanzania: Stuck in poverty
- Thailand: Coastal resources in danger
- United States of America: Wanted: a new economy and a new social contract
- Venezuela: The unfortunate consequences of extraction-based growth
- Viet Nam: Civil society should be consulted
- West Bank and Gaza: No sustainable development under occupation
- Yemen: On the brink of becoming a failed State
- Zambia: Deforestation and sustainable development