
Donor resources for financing development in most countries are closely linked to progress on commitments agreed by national governments. This fails to include the concept of citizen participation and stresses the role of the private sector. Civil society in India has been demanding greater attention to social considerations in implementing national development plans and the matching budgetary allocations. The People’s Mid Term Appraisal of the 11th Five Year Plan demonstrates that there is urgent need for a greater involvement by civil society in formulating and designing public policies.

The dynamics of International Financial Institutions and private capital in the globalized world has often acted as delimiting factors to state sovereignty. The role of Social Watch as a ‘watch dog’ gains significance in the current context of multiple crisis stressed the Pan-Asian Workshop: "Who pays? The global crises and what needs to be done – an Asian perspective" held in New Delhi, India, 22- 24 February 2010.

Trithesh Nandan

Madhya Pradesh Social Watch Report 2009

State Reports

Social Watch India, 2009.


First published by The Times of India

NEW DELHI:  In a scathing indictment of the parliamentary committee system, an independent report has said that leave alone acting as watchdogs, committees were vulnerable to manipulation. The report — Evaluating Parliamentary Committees and Committee System — prepared by the National Social Watch Coalition elaborates with examples how committees have been used by the government to serve its ends.


Assessing 'Donor Supported' Law Making and Judicial Behaviour in India
Videh Upadhyay
Social Watch India
July 2008



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