Source: . Published on Fri, 2011-07-29 08:27
Domingo Schiavoni La organización mundial Social Watch, que se caracteriza por sus propuestas alternativas, en materia de desarrollo económico y social a las que impulsan las grandes corporaciones de los países más poderosos, acaba de concluir su quinta asamblea internacional en Manila pronunciándose abiertamente contra el modelo en curso, particularmente en las naciones en vías de desarrollo, al que caracteriza como “económicamente ineficiente, socialmente injusto, ambientalmente nocivo y políticamente insostenible”. |
Source: . Published on Thu, 2011-07-28 07:52
Mario Rapoport Aun con todas sus limitaciones, el capitalismo social europeo, tanto del tipo renano como escandinavo, parecía en general preferible al estadounidense, |
Published on Thu, 2011-07-28 07:43
Source: Lívia Duarte’s report for the World Social Forum Representatives of 150 social organizations and movements from various countries announced in Rio that the Peoples’ Summit will be held in parallel to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20), which will take place next year from June 4-6. |
Published on Tue, 2011-07-26 13:42
Source: Report by Salma Shukrallah, Al Ahram Parties and civil organizations, amongst them Mosharka (national focal point of Social Watch), demand that Egypt's military council and government take responsibility for Abbassiya violence. The groups call for an independent committee to investigate the episode, as they compare it to the infamous 'Battle of the Camel'. |
Source: . Published on Tue, 2011-07-26 07:40
Social Watch concluyó en su quinta Asamblea Mundial, celebrada la semana pasada en Manila, que "el actual modelo económico basado en el desarrollo resulta económicamente ineficiente, socialmente injusto, medioambientalmente nocivo y políticamente insostenible". Por eso, se comprometió a "desafiar el paradigma económico dominante basado en el crecimiento del PBI a nivel mundial” y seguir contribuyendo con el "desarrollo de indicadores alternativos”. |
Source: . Published on Fri, 2011-07-22 07:44
El Director General de la OIT, Juan Somavia, alertó ante la Asamblea Mundial de Social Watch que “el actual modelo de desarrollo que ha venido evolucionando desde comienzos de los años 80 se ha tornado económicamente ineficiente, socialmente inestable, ambientalmente nocivo y políticamente insostenible. Por lo tanto debe ser cambiado”, y planteó la necesidad de lograr un crecimiento con justicia social. |
Published on Thu, 2011-05-05 08:07
A recent report coordinated by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) highlights the sharp decrease in support for women’s issues under the Stephen Harper government, whose Conservative Party's won its first legislative majority since 1988 on Monday, assuring his re-election. |
Civil Society Reaction to the Joint Communication “A Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity” submited by ANND, Eurostep and Social Watch.
Published on Wed, 2011-02-23 07:55
If supporting dictatorial regimes like Tunisia and Egypt has been seen as the way to maintain Europe’s security, current events demonstrate the fragility of such strategies, warned three major civil society networks in a letter to Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. In neglecting the interests of ordinary citizens, this strategy was never sustainable. Sustainability can only be assured by genuine democratic processes, according to the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), Eurostep and Social Watch, Statement to the participants of the international conference on the Southern Mediterranean hosted by the EU High Representative (23 February 2011) Letter to the EU High Representative (3 February 2011) urging the EU to respond to the popular demands in the region for true inclusive democracy. » |
Published on Tue, 2011-02-08 09:37