New Publication: Multistakeholder Partnerships - Future Models of Multilateralism?

Jens Martens

In times of growing dissatisfaction with the groaning pace of the global negotiation process, and the current difficulties on the part of governments to engage in new compromises, multistakeholder initiatives and policy networks between private and public actors are experiencing a boom which appears to be expanding unfettered within the United Nations system.

The author, member of the Coordinating Committee of Social Watch, gives an overview of how relationships between the UN and private actors have changed over time, traces the scale and scope of partnerships, and discusses the limits, risks and side effects of this paradigm shift in international politics. Martens not only provides an important contribution to the so far lacking systematic evaluation of the new partnership models, but presents a strong call for clear rules for partnerships between United Nations and private actors.

See or download the paper from the GPF Europe website:
Multistakeholder Partnerships - Future Models of Multilateralism?
Jens Martens
Dialogue on Globalization Occasional Paper No. 29
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin
January 2007

For further information contact:
Jens Martens
Global Policy Forum Europe
Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 13
D-53111 Bonn
Phone.: +49-228-96 50 511 (direct)
fax: +49-228-96 38 206


