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The Social Watch Global Assembly 2011

Claiming democracy: accountability for social and economic justice.

The Assembly will bring together the diverse membership of the Social Watch network, with representatives designated by national coalitions from over 60 countries of all continents: women groups, human rights activists, unionists and campaigners for social justice. During three days we will be discussing the new challenges brought about by the global crises and the civil society responses to it. A strategy for the coming years will be approved and a new Coordinating Committee will be elected. Several panels with invited speakers from academia and international organizations will inform the discussions.

About Social Watch

Social Watch was created in 1995 to hold governments and international organizations accountable for the ambitious commitments they made at the Social Summit and the Beijing Conference on Women. Since then, more than one thousand organizations have joined the network, comprehensive reports have been published every year and indexes were developed by Social Watch to monitor gender equity and basic social capabilities.

Based on the findings from the grassroots, Social Watch warned in 2006 that the financial architecture was “impossible”. After the crisis erupted, Social Watch argued in 2009 that putting people first was the best stimulus package, combining economic sense with the ethical imperative. In 2010 we reported to the MDG Summit that social progress was slowing down and poverty eradication could only happen with gender justice, climate justice, financial justice and plain old justice, with courts, accountability and functioning institutions. Now-a-days these same points are courageously being made by people crowding the streets in numerous countries.


Made possible thanks to the funding and support of the European Commission and Oxfam Novib.


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