The 2024 Global South Study Week on Sustainable Human Development was coorganized by the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), Third World Network (TWN), Global Policy Forum and Social Watch and took place in Beirut, Lebanon in May 2024.

As part of the 2024 Global South Study Week on Sustainable Human Development, Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), Third World Network (TWN), The Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship, Global Policy Forum and Social Watch invite you to a special session: “On the Way to the Summit of the Future: The Challenges of the Multilateral System.”

This hybrid event will explore critical global issues and the efficacy of multilateralism in addressing them.

Roberto Bissio, Coordinator of Social Watch, spoke at the "Regional Meeting for Civil Society on Sustainable Development - On the Way to the Summit of the Future". The recording is here .

The Arab NGO Network for Development in collaboration with the members of the Regional Sustainable Development Platform (ATUC, CAWTAR, HIC-HRLN, ARFPD, ANDE, CAWTAR and TI) organized the "Regional Meeting for Civil Society on Sustainable Development - On the Way to the Summit of the Future" on March 4, 2024 in Beirut.

Member States have started negotiations on the Summit of the Future (SotF) outcome document: the Pact for the Future. The process kicked off on 29 January 2024 with the co-facilitators' presentation of the Zero Draft of the Pact and Member States’ reactions to the Zero Draft.

This Global Policy Watch Factsheet #5 on the Zero Draft of the Pact for the Future walks through a summary of the co-facilitators’ presentation on how they approached the Zero Draft, Member State reactions and useful links including to the Zero Draft and negotiations timetable. The previous GPW Factsheet #4 on SotF also provides valuable information on the process.

Two high-level conferences for countries in special situations are scheduled for 2024 and Preparatory Committees have begun their discussions at the UNHQ.

This Round Up focuses on central themes explored by the UNGA78 Second Committee (Economic and Financial)’s session on Groups of Countries in Special Situations, including debt distress and vulnerability, concessional funding and climate financing.

Deliberations addressed the follow-up to LDC5 and the lead-up to the 2024 conferences, SIDS4 and LLDC3.



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