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Issue 10

June, 2010

 Social Watch has a say during the UN General Assembly Hearings
 Regional workshops build the capacity of SW coalitions
 Development goals are gender goals
 The reconfiguration of the world scenario: the G-24's voice and the G-20's silence
 Social Watch Kenya
 Amnesty International Report 2010: Global justice gap condemns millions to abuse
 World Cup Soccer Balls: Exploitation Still the Norm
 Decent Work and Fair Globalization - A Guide to Policy Dialogue
 Bringing Human Rights to Bear in Times of Crisis: A Human Rights Analysis of Government Responses to the Economic Crisis

June 2010

29-30 June - New York, US: ECOSOC High-Level Segment - Development Cooperation Forum

August 2010

12-15 August - Nairobi, Kenya: Social Watch Regional Capacity Building Workshop

 UN Hearings: Reforming finance for the MDGs
Bhumika Muchhala
Markus Brun
Elisa Peter

Social Watch, Third World Network and UN-NGLS organized the "Reforming finance for the MDGs" seminar within the framework of the MDGs+10 Hearings of the UN General Assembly. The panel highlighted practical investment, strategies and approaches to financing the Millennium Development Goals. The discussion focused on the constraints and opportunities to making financial assistance to developing countries more predictable and consistent as well as evaluating efforts to implement programs and mechanisms to advance internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Developments Goals.


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"We need justice, not business as usual"

Next September the heads of State and governments of the United Nations will meet to assess a decade of antipoverty efforts and discuss the way forward in moments of unprecedented combination of global crises in climate, food, energy, finances and the economy.

In preparation of the MDGs+10 Summit, the UN General Assembly held hearings with civil society and the private sector in New York from 14-15 June. On behalf of Social Watch, Roberto Bissio made an intervention demanding climate, economic, financial and social justice.

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Made possible thanks to the funding and support of the European Union and Oxfam Novib.
The international secretariat of Social Watch also receives funding and support from the Ford Foundation and the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Social Watch and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, Oxfam Novib, the Ford Foundation and the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.
SPOTLIGHT ON….. SW National Coalition

Social Watch Kenya

June's “Spotlight on” is dedicated to Social Watch Kenya, which in August will be holding the next Social Watch regional capacity building workshop.

The Republic of Kenya is an Eastern Africa country, which lies along the Indian Ocean. The national coalition is very active, formed by more than twenty NGOs, networks, foundations, religious organizations and community based associations. The Kenyan focal point is Social Development Network (SODNET), an indigenous organization, established by Non-governmental Organization (NGOs) workers as a facility for reflection and action by local groups on causes and consequences of poverty and disempowerment of communities.



Social Watch has a say during the UN General Assembly Hearings

The Summit process is a key opportunity to take stock of which development strategies are actually working and which are not, and what strategic decisions and actions at national and international levels are urgently needed to make decisive progress in the next five years. During the Hearings, Social Watch representatives participated pushing for real changes on financing for development strategies. Besides Social Watch's active participation in the side event "Reforming finance for the MDGs" (see the article focused on that specific event) watchers were active in different panels.

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Regional workshops build the capacity of SW coalitions

After the good experience of the three 2009 regional capacity building workshops that took place in Brazil, Morocco and India, there are four new workshops on the agenda of Social Watch for the upcoming months. These meetings will be organized regionally in countries of Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean.

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Development goals are gender goals

All the Millenium Development Goals are gender related. Lack of progress in achieving them do not just result from the external shocks and crises. It is a result of developed countries not meeting the commitment stated at MDG 8, to create global partnerships around trade, aid and debt and technology transfer. Social Watch advocates for long-term social development policies that truly encompass gender as a key step towards equality and increased human wellbeing.

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The reconfiguration of the world scenario: the G-24's voice and the G-20's silence

The current economic and financial crisis has led to a reconfiguration in the scenario of power in the world. The Group of 20 (G-20), which is an extended version of the Group of 8 (G-8), proclaimed itself the main forum for international cooperation. However, the measures the group has adopted do not provide real solutions to the many crises assailing the world today. The Group of 24 (G24), on the other hand, which was originally set up by developing countries to coordinate their positions in the international arena, has in many cases recommended stronger action and with a greater long-term vision than the G-20 countries themselves.

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Amnesty International Report 2010: Global justice gap condemns millions to abuse
At the launch of Amnesty International Report 2010: State of the World's Human Rights, which documents abuses in 159 countries, the organization said that powerful governments are blocking advances in international justice by standing above the law on human rights, shielding allies from criticism and acting only when politically convenient.

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World Cup Soccer Balls: Exploitation Still the Norm
There is a part of the World Cup that hasn't been broadcasted on TV. The Play Fair Alliance has asked FIFA to respond to the report “Missed the Goal for Workers: the Reality of Soccer Ball Stitchers”, released by US-based NGO International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) on 7 June.

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Decent Work and Fair Globalization - A Guide to Policy Dialogue
The recent world economic and financial crisis has dramatically increased the credibility of UN, civil society and other voices calling for a major overhaul in current approaches to economic governance. An essential anchor to leverage such change is the 2005 commitment of all Heads of State and Government to strongly support a “fair globalization” and to make “full and productive employment and decent work for all” a central policy objective in all relevant national and international policies, including to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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Bringing Human Rights to Bear in Times of Crisis: A Human Rights Analysis of Government Responses to the Economic Crisis
“Bringing Human Rights to Bear in Times of Crisis” is the name of the recent report co-authored by Center of Concern with Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID), Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR), the Center for Women's Global Leadership at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (CWGL) and the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net).

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