Press release: Social Watch Report 2010
Published on Wed, 2010-09-15 14:49
REQUEST FOR COVERAGE Release of 2010 Social Watch Report Social Watch, an international network of non-governmental organizations that monitors how far governments are fulfilling their commitments to end poverty and gender discrimination, will release its critical report: AFTER THE FALL: TIME FOR A NEW DEAL on Friday, Sept. 17 at the United Nations. It is presented in the framework of the 65th period of sessions of the UN General Assembly, which this year is promoting a review of the Millennium Development Goals, five years before the 2015 deadline. According to Social Watch, most countries are a long way from attaining these goals in the time frame established. What is more, according to the Basic Capabilities Index (BCI) designed by Social Watch as an alternative way to monitor social development in the world, poverty reduction has slowed down since 2000. “The less privileged in both rich and poor countries are not only suffering the direct consequences of the crisis in that they are losing their jobs, savings and even their homes, they are also being made to pay for the economic rescue and stimulus packages in the form of higher taxes and reduced wages and social benefits... observes Roberto Bissio, Social Watch coordinator. “In this context, to issue a call for ‘more of the same’ is not the solution…” The 2010 Report by the international Social Watch coalition will be officially presented on Friday, Sept. 17, at the United Nations in New York, just before the UN summit scheduled for Sept. 20-22 in which progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be evaluated. The MDGs are eight targets to combat poverty and gender inequity that the governments of the world committed themselves to at the Millennium Summit in 2000. Social Watch consists of a network of members in more than 60 countries throughout the world. It was founded in 1995 as “a meeting point for non-governmental organizations concerned about social development and gender discrimination” in response to the need to promote the political will required to keep the promises made at and by the United Nations. Since then this network has been growing steadily, both qualitatively and quantitatively, it has published 15 annual reports about progress and regression in the fight against poverty and to promote gender equality, and these have been used as tools at the local, regional and international levels. For further information, contact Lisa Vives, 212-244-3123 For background on Social Watch, see:
See the Social Watch Report 2010 in full or download an overview