Yemen: Pacific Protests, Violent Repression

Ezzaddin Alasbahi, from Yemeni Human
Rights Network, and UN officers.
(Photo: HRITC)

Source: HRITC

The Human Rights Information & Training Center (HRITC) condemned the continued targeting of peaceful demonstrators in Yemen and the use of the armed force against them. This organisation, focal point of Social Watch in the Arab country, reported that a young man had died and five others resulted injured by live bullets the day before in Taiz city.

The Human Rights Information & Training Center (HRITC) reported that Marwan Mohammed Abdullah Alqbati (24 years old) fell dead on Tueday, and that five other young men suffered injuries by live bullets fired while they were marching amongst thousands of people in front of Alshaeb School, near to Freedom Square in Taiz.

HRITC condemned violence against peaceful demonstrators and claimed for respect for universal human rights, specially, in this case, for the freedom of expression in form of street demonstrations. At the same time called the Yemeni government to stop the suppression of those basic rights.

Claims at the UN 

The coordinator of the Yemeni Human Rights Network, Ezzaddin Alasbahi, held on 21 April in Geneva a meeting with Navanethem Pillay, High UN Commissioner for Human Rights, to discuss the situation in this Arab country.

Pillay informed Alasbahi that his office is working hard on this case, and confirmed that the international community must send a fact-finding mission to Yemen. She also praised the Yemeni civil society for its actions.

Alasbahi informed Pillay about the constant violations of human rights by the Yemeni security forces and the government against peaceful demonstrators in different cities in the last three months.

 The activist also presented Pillay a letter signed by more than 30 Yemeni organizations calling for an international investigation and inviting her to visit Yemen as soon as possible


