Social Watch E-Newsletter - Issue 219 - June 19, 2015
Published on Fri, 2015-06-19 11:55
Issue 219 - June 19, 2015 |
Ten reasons why an Intergovernmental UN Tax Body will benefit everyone |
During the 3rd drafting session to formulate an outcome document for the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development, a coalition of 30 NGOs from around the globe is urging governments to pave the way for setting up an intergovernmental body on tax cooperation with universal membership under the roof of the United Nations. To ‘sweeten the deal’ for delegates, and to strengthen their resolve, negotiators received a little gift of chocolate, which came right in time just after lunch. Of course, arguments were also provided for why the world needs a new institution for a truly global tax governance. Read more.
The zero draft: steps forward and backward since the report of the open working group
The first section of the Zero Draft displays a structure that is more coherent and orderly than the introduction to the Open Working Group (OWG) report. The division into 8 subtitles (Introduction, Our Commitment and Shared Principles, Our World Today, Our Vision, The New Agenda, Implementation, Follow-Up and Review, and A Call for Action to Change the World) makes it possible to distinguish the member states’ vision, their level of ambition and, therefore, their political approach more clearly than was the case with the OWG report. This new document is more clearly explicit about the tacit agreements, as well as the points of view about crucial issues such as the development model and the environment, the leading role given to the business sector and the significance that the Agenda carries for member states in terms of commitments and obligations. Read more
U.N. urged to put Global Citizenship at centre of Post-2015 Development Agenda
A peace sign formed by people in Croatia. Credit: Teophil/cc by 3.0
When Denmark hosted the World Summit on Social Development (WSSD) in March 1995, one of the conclusions of that international gathering in Copenhagen was to create a new social contract with “people at the centre of development.” But notwithstanding the shortcomings in its implementation over the last 20 years, the United Nations is now pursuing an identical goal with a new political twist: “global citizenship.” Read more
The 2016 AWID International Forum on Women's Rights and Development “Feminist Futures: Building Collective Power for Rights and Justice” will take place from 5 to 9 May 2016 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. You can contribute to the 2016 Forum by submitting a proposal to organize a session. This invitation is for those who believe in futures free from gendered oppressions, the realization of full rights for people and planet, and self-determination from the body to the nation. Read more
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