Social Watch News

Rainer Falk

Next month in India, the “world´s largest democracy” will begin a process of national Parliamentary elections for the first time since 2004, in a critical moment in which issues related to security and to the economy are weighing heavily on voters´ minds. Taking this context into account, this month´s “Spotlight On…” column will focus on the Social Watch India coalition, whose work to promote transparency and accountability in politics will be crucial during this election period.

For the second installment of our “Spotlight On…” column, which highlights the innovative work of organizations that make up Social Watch coalitions around the globe, this month we will put a focus on the Social Watch coalition in the host country of this year´s World Social Forum, which will take place on the shores of the Amazon River in the city of Belem do Para, Brazil.

Dear friends of Social Watch,
The Social Watch Report 2008 was launched in the European Parliament in Brussels last January 7. The meeting, which focused on human rights as the key to find a way out of the present global financial and economic crisis, was attended by members of the European Parliament, officers of the European Commission and journalists. The meeting was convened by the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Luisa Morgantini, yet she could only salute briefly the participants and had to leave to attend an urgent meeting on the situation in the Gaza Strip. “I hope you understand,” she said in her greeting. And everybody nodded.

Rights is the Answer! Social Watch events at the 2009 World Social Forum.

“Is the United States a ‘failed state’? Its financial mismanagement has triggered a world wide crisis.” Thus, Social Watch coordinator Roberto Bissio challenged some 300 civil society delegates, who met at the Civil Society Forum leading to the Financing for Development Review Conference to address the international crises that threaten our climate, development and social justice, and develop recommendations for the official Conference.

POSITION Senior Research Associate
LOCATION The Social Watch International Secretariat is located in Montevideo, Uruguay, and is based at the Third World Institute (ITeM)
DEADLINE December 12, 2008

A global campaign is being launched by civil society organisations worldwide in order to push the issue of an open and transparent conference convened by the UN to review the international financial and monetary architecture. This implies as well a revision about aims and objectives of the institutions that serve this purpose and their governance. PLEASE, SIGN THE STATEMENT BEFORE NOVEMBER 13th.



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