Social Watch News
Published on Tue, 2008-11-25 08:34
POSITION Senior Research Associate |
Published on Thu, 2008-11-06 08:58
A global campaign is being launched by civil society organisations worldwide in order to push the issue of an open and transparent conference convened by the UN to review the international financial and monetary architecture. This implies as well a revision about aims and objectives of the institutions that serve this purpose and their governance. PLEASE, SIGN THE STATEMENT BEFORE NOVEMBER 13th. |
Published on Fri, 2008-09-26 12:39
Social Watch India released the first perspective paper on “Law Under Globalization” which provides an insight into recent trends in both law making processes and judicial behaviour, with a stress on how the logic and instruments of globalization are directly affecting the rule of law. |
Published on Thu, 2008-09-25 17:53
New York, September 22 -- Contrary to repeated mainstream claims that poverty is diminishing fast in the world, the coverage of the basic needs required to escape poverty is slowing down and even regressing in many places, says the 2008 Basic Capabilities Index (BCI) released today by Social Watch, a network of more than 400 civil society organizations in 70 countries. |
Published on Tue, 2008-09-02 16:23
Notes for the intervention of Social Watch coordinator, Roberto Bissio, at the plenary of the opening session of the 3rd High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Accra, Ghana, September 2, 2008. |
Published on Wed, 2008-07-23 13:00
NEW YORK (Feb 28) – The economic dimension is the next challenge towards global gender equity. More than half the women in the world live in countries that have made no progress towards gender equity in recent years. That is one of the findings of the Gender Equity Index (GEI) 2008 that Social Watch launched here as a contribution to the 52nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women that will end next March 8, the International Women’s Day. |
Published on Mon, 2007-12-17 09:04
The workshop “Sharing experiences and building advocacy capacities” was held in Rabat, Morocco from 17 to 19 July 2007. It was co-organized by Espace Associatif and the Social Watch International Secretariat with the collaboration of Oxfam Novib/Kic. The workshop brought together 22 activists from 14 French-speaking African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Republic of Congo, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia and Kenya). |
Published on Thu, 2007-11-15 09:11
The workshop "Building an Asian community of practice on monitoring and budget analysis" was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, July 9 – 11 2007. The workshop was organized by SILAKA and Social Watch in collaboration with OXFAM- Novib/KIC, and brought together 23 participants from several countries in the region (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam). |
Published on Fri, 2007-10-19 11:24
The Social Watch Report 2007 entitled “In dignity and rights. Making the universal right to social security a reality” will be launched at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in New York, in the context of the United Nations High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development to be held from October 23 to 24 at United Nations Headquarters. The Hearings with the civil society will precede de HLD, and are scheduled for October 22. |
Published on Mon, 2007-09-10 13:31
A civil society delegation representing the National Social Watch Coalition (NSWC) engaged in a meaningful interaction with the Planning Commission around the Citizens' Report on Governance and Development 2007 and the monitoring of the key institutions of governance namely Parliament, Executive- Policy, Judiciary and Local self Governance. Deputy Chairperson of the Planning Commission Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia and the Planning Commission Members actively participated in the discourse. |