Table of Contents

Time to move forward
Natalia Cardona, Social Watch
Feminist economics and the new development paradigm
Elsa Duhagon
The road map to prosperity for all is to invest in people and gender equality
Third World Institute (ITeM)
Gender and poverty: a case of entwined inequalities
Social Watch Research Team
Gender equality and the financial crisis
Nancy Baroni, Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action,
Mirjana Dokmanovic, PhD, Association Technology and Society, Serbia
y Women in Development Europe (WIDE), Genoveva Tisheva, Bulgarian
Gender Research Foundation y Bulgarian-European Partnership
Association, Emily Sikazwe, Women for Change
Women and the economic crisis: the urgency of a gender perspective
The European Women’s Lobby
Immigration, integration and asylum policies from a gender perspective
Amandine Bach, European Women’s Lobby (EWL), With input from the members of ENoMW
Bulgaria: women’s efforts are big, government efforts are scarce
Milena Kadieva, Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation
Women’s status in Poland: a permanent crisis
Agnieszka Nowak, Network of East-West Women, Polonia
Latin America and the Caribbean: no solution to the crisis without gender policies
Progress and limitations in El Salvador
Lic. María Dina Sales de Rodríguez, CIDEP –
Social Watch El Salvador–2010
A review of the African region
The Arab region: 30 years of CEDAW
Women’s rights in Armenia
Svetlana A. Aslanyan, PhD,
Center for the Development of Civil Society
Asia Pacific: putting people at the centre and promoting regional integration
The Asia and Pacific NGO Forum on Beijing +15
China: uneven progress
Ling Zhao, Peace Women across the Globe –
China Office
A grim perspective for Burmese of women
Burma Lawyer’s Council
GEI values in 2009 and recent GEI trends (2004-2009)
Reproductive health
Gender and education
Gender and empowerment
Gender and economy

