Launching of the eight German Social Watch Report


Wednesday 18 November 2009, 10:30.

In view of global crises, human rights must be enforced against economic interests!

This Wednesday 18 November, the Germany Social Watch Report 2009, Globale Krisen – Soziale Folgen und politische Konsequenzen (Global Crises - Social impact and political consequences) will be launched in the Convention center in the building of the Federal Press, Room 0107
Schiffbauerdamm 40, corner Reinhardtstr. 55, 10117 Berlin

In the launching will be participating:
Dr. Klaus Schilder (Berlin), Terre des hommes Germany
Roberto Bissio, Director of Social Watch International
Klaus Heidelberg (Heidelberg), spokesman for Social Watch Germany / Forum World Social Summit, Workshop Economics Association
Social Watch Germany / Forum World Social Forum is a consortium of 24 development and social organizations and institutions, political foundations and unions.

For inquiries:
Klaus Heidel, Werkstatt Ökonomie eV, Tel: 06 221 - 433 36 13, mobile: 01 70 - 522 30 11,
E-mail: @ klaus.heidel,

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