Demanding climate justice

More than 20 international and regional civil society organizations and networks and some 130 from countries all over the world launched the “Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice”, with the aims of countering “moves by powerful governments, international institutions and global corporations that will bring more harm to people and planet”, and “to fight for global measures that will stave off catastrophic climate change and enable people to deal with present and future impacts”.

The signatories, among them Social Watch and many of its associates and national focal points, are proposing to “prevent catastrophic climate change and ensure just and fair sharing of drastic emissions reductions”, to “stop false solutions” on the climate front and to “ensure adequate and appropriate finance on the basis’ of countries responsibility for climate debt and obligation to make reparations to all affected peoples”.

The civil society organizations and networks’ statement reads as follows: 

Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice

The international climate negotiation is not the only arena of our struggles for climate justice.  But it is a critical one which now more than ever requires  much stronger concerted efforts  --  to counter moves by powerful governments, international institutions and global corporations that will bring more harm to people and planet, and to fight for global measures that will stave off catastrophic climate change and enable people to deal with present and future impacts. 

To pave the way for more powerful collective campaigning - several organizations worked together on a call for a  "Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice" that is directed at all governments and the international climate talks and effectively combines "inside" and "outside" actions. 

The call serves as an appeal and invitation to work together in advancing the demands outlined. These demands are expressed only in general terms in the Call but certainly should be expanded and substantiated based on unities already reached by climate justice movements and updated to address current developments. We urge you to join the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice and sign on to the call as an expression of your commitment!  

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We are movements and struggles engaged in many struggles for a new world  - a world in which the needs, interests, rights and aspirations of peoples everywhere have priority over the profit of corporations and the excess of elites. In the years ahead, our solidarity and collective action is extremely crucial.

Climate change is already having devastating impacts globally and is accelerating. The window for preventing the breach of tipping points and stopping climate catastrophe is rapidly closing. 

Climate change is more than multiplying the sufferings of people already burdened by the global injustices of hunger, dispossession and violation of human rights. It is a crisis that also threatens to wipe out vast populations and profoundly change life on Earth.  We must act with clarity, cohesion and courage if we are to stabilize the Earth’s climate system and secure a just and sustainable world. 

Like other global crises, climate change arises principally from historically unequal economic and social structures, from practices and policies promoted by rich, industrialized countries, and from systems of production and consumption that sacrifice the needs of the many to the interests of a few. The affected peoples of the world bear little responsibility for the climate crisis yet suffer its worst effects and are deprived of the means to respond. 

Addressing these challenges requires profound social transformation in all countries and at all levels – local, national and global.  It requires a rapid shift to systems and methods of production and consumption that are compatible with the limits of the planet and are aimed at meeting the needs of peoples rather than the relentless pursuit of profit. 

Part of the process of profound social transformation is fighting for and achieving immediate concrete results in terms of drastic reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and enabling people to deal with the impacts of the climate crisis. 

It is in this light that we are engaged in the fight for an international climate architecture that is rooted in science, equity and justice.   

Rather than honoring their historical responsibilities and legal commitments, governments of rich industrialized countries have been trying to reverse Climate Convention principles and dismantle existing agreements. This effort started with the so-called Copenhagen Accord, was advanced by the Cancun outcomes, and was further served by the adoption of the Durban Platform. Among other things, they are seeking to impose a domestic “pledge and review” system, deregulate multilateral climate rules and promote false solutions such as the expansion of carbon markets. Their efforts must be met with intensified resistance.  

As part of a broader struggle to achieve climate justice, reparations for climate debt and a profound global transformation - we demand from all governments that if international negotiations are to mean anything, they must deliver outcomes that will: 

Prevent catastrophic climate change and ensure just and fair sharing of drastic emissions reductions. 

Limit temperature rise to well below 1.5º C and bring it down to 1º C as fast as possible; Rich industrialized countries to fulfil their existing legally binding commitments and undertake drastic emissions cuts without offsets in line with their fair share of the global carbon budget that takes into account historical per capita emissions; Offsets and other loopholes must be removed; The US must commit to comparable targets, based on its historical responsibility; 

Stop false solutions. 

Stop the implementation and pursuit of false solutions such as carbon trading, market-based approaches to forests, soil and water, large-scale geo-engineering and techno-fixes, nuclear energy, mega hydro dams, agro-fuels, and clean coal;   

Ensure adequate and appropriate finance on the basis’ of countries responsibility for climate debt and obligation to make reparations to all affected peoples. 

Rich, industrialized countries to cover the full costs of enabling peoples of developing countries and other affected communities to deal with the impacts of climate change (including past, present and future losses) as well as the costs of enabling developing countries to shift to equitable, post carbon sustainable systems; Climate finance must not be in the form of debt-creating instruments and should be channeled through a democratic and accountable global fund that is independent of other international financial institutions and upholds the principles of direct access and country-determined, participatory decisions on the use of funds. 

Ensure appropriate technology transfers without intellectual property barriers.  

Developed countries must ensure free sharing of safe, appropriate and ecologically and socially sound technologies; Advance the transformation to equitable, democratic, post-carbon systems.   

Take decisive steps towards the profound transformation of the system based on equity, science and the rights of people to live well in harmony with and respect for Mother Earth. 

Transform social and economic structures and technologies and re-orient policies to move away from profit-driven, growth oriented, high-carbon, elite-dominated exploitative systems and instead ensure a just transition to people-driven, equitable, and democratic post carbon sustainable development. 

We call on governments to end years of delay and meet their moral, historical and legal obligations. 

We urge all movements, peoples’ organizations, civil society groups and all concerned citizens to come together in a Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice! 

Initial signatories

International and regional networks and organizations

Africa Trade Network
African Water Network (AWN)
Alternatives Asia
Asia/Pacific Network on Food Sovereignty (APNFS)
Asia/Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development
Asian Reigonal Exchanges for New Alernatives (ARENA)
Focus on the Global South
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Ibon Foundation, Inc.
International Campaign on Climate Refugees' Rights
International Forum on Globalization (IFG)
Jubilee South - Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JSAPMDD)
LDC Watch International
Migrant Forum Asia (MFA)
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)
Social Watch International
South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
South Asian Dialogues on Ecological Democracy
Third World Network (TWN)
World Council of Churches

North America and Europe

Jubilee Australia, AUSTRALIA
Council of Canadians, CANADA
Polaris Institute, CANADA
FERN Belgium
11.11.11 Belgium
Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale ITALY
Fair Watch ITALY
Legambiente Onlus, ITALY
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland (EWNI)
Ecologistas En Accion, SPAIN
Solidarity Sweden Latin America, Sweden
Global Justice Now, Swedish Solidarity Network, Sweden
World Development Movement, UK
Jubilee Debt Campaign, UK
Jubilee Scotland, UK
Nord-Sud XXI
Friends of the Earth USA
Global Justice Ecology Project Media Program, USA
Jubilee USA Network
Sustainable Energy and Economic Network - IPS, USA
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), USA
Center for Earth Jurisprudence,  Orlando, Florida, USA
Biofuelwatch, USA


Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour la Promotion de l'Agriculture et de Développement (GRAPAD)

ADISCO Burundi

Association Pour le Marketing Social au Tchad

Democratic Republic of Congo
Ligue Pour Le Droit De La Congolaise (LDFC)

Organisation de Bienfaisance et de Développement


Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights

Worldview - The Gambia


Centre du Commerce international pour le Developpement (CECIDE)

Guinea Bissau
AFARD Guinea Bissau

Ivory Coast
FNDP of Cóte d'Ivoire

CAD Mali

Association Bien Etre Familial & Developpment Durble (ABEFDD)

Association Marocaine pour l'Environnement et la Santé (AMES)
Forum Civil Démocratique Marocain
Association Marocaine pour les Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (AMTIC)
Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches en Sciences Sociales (CERSS)

Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l Environnement

Centre for 21st century issues (C21st) Nigeria

Republic of Central Africa
Groupe d'Action de Paix et de Formation pour la Transformation (GAPAFOT)

Union pour la Solidarité et l'Entraide (USE)

Sierra Leone
Friends of the Earth Sierra Leone

Somali Organisation for Community Development Activities

South Africa
Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC)
Amandla Magazine
Center for Civil Society, University of Kawazulu Natal, Durban
CJN! Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Democratic Left Front South Africa
Economic Justice Network of the fellowship of Christian Councils
Trust for Community Outreach and Education (TCOE) South Africa
Masizakhe Youth Development Club, Gugulethu, Cape Town
Zwartkops Conservancy, Port Elizabeth 


Latin America and The Caribbean

FASE Solidarity and Education – Brazil

Plataforma Boliviana Frente al Cambio Climático
Solon Foundation – Bolivia

El Salvador
Friends of the Earth El Salvador

Plate-forme haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif

Asia and the Pacific

Sanayee Development Organization

Aid Accountability Group
Bangladesh Krishok Federation
Coastal Livelihood, Ecology and Adaptation Network
Equity and Justice Working Group
Jatiyo Sramik Jote
Online Knowledge Society
Resource Integration Centre
Right to Food Movement
Solidarity Workshop
Unnayan Onneshan

Green Zhejiang

Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha
Beyond Copenhagen Coalition
Himalaya Niti Abhiyan - HNA
Indian Social Action Forum - iNSAF
National Forum of Forest People and Forest Workers

Binkai Indonesia
GEMA ALAM Nusa Tenggara Barat
Insitute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Indonesia
Konsorsium pendukung Sitem Hutan Kerakyatan
KRuHA Water Coalition Indonesia
Peduli Nanggroe Atjeh
Sawit Watch
Solidaritas Perempuam (SP) Indonesia
WALHI (Friends of the Earth) Indonesia

Energy and Climate Policy Institute (ECPI) Korea

United in Volunteering Association

Consumers Association of Penang
Friends of the Earth Malaysia
Monitoring Sustainability of Globalization

Maldives NGO Federation (MNF)

All Nepal Peasant Federation (ANPFA)
All Nepal Women Association (ANWA)
Campaign for Climate Justice Network Nepal
Jagaran Nepal
NGO Federation of Nepal
Right to Food Network Nepal
Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN)

Anjaman Mozareen Punjab
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee

Sri Lanka
Movement for Land and Agricultural Reform
National Fisheries Solidarity Movement of Sri Lanka

Action for Nurturing Children and Environment
Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL)
Aniban ng Manggagawa sa Agrikultura
Assalam Bangsamoro People's Association
BITS Policy Center
Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP)
Cebu Alliance for Safe Environment
Ecological Society of the Philippines
EcoWaste Coalition
Faith-based Congress Against Immoral Debts
Farmers Forum - South Cotabato
Freedom from Debt Coalition and its chapters in Socsargen, Iloilo, Negros, Cebu and Southern Mindanao
Gitib Inc.
Integrated Rural Development Foundation
Kalayaan Philippines
Kalimudan Culture & Arts - Mindanao
Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya (KPD)
Koalisyon Pabahay ng Pilipinas (KPP)
Kongreso ng Pagkakaisa ng mga Maralita ng Lunsod (KPML) - National and NCR
Miriam PEACE
Pagkakaisa ng Kababaihan para sa Kalayaan (KAISA KA)
Partido Lakas ng Masa
Partido ng Manggagawa
Partnership for Clean Air
Peoples Movement on Climate Change
Philippine Network of Rural Development Institutes
Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement
Sagip Sierra Madre
Tambuyog Development Center
Task Force Food Sovereignty
WomanHealth Philippines

Al-Jawf Women Organization for Development
Dar Al-Salam Organization (Peace House)
Human Rights Information and Training Center


New Zealand
Climate Justice Aotearoa, New Zealand


