Social Watch in the WSF 2013 Tunisia

Social Watch will organize -together with different partners- a number of meetings during the World Social Forum 2013 to be held March 26 -29 in Tunisia.

These meetings will be an opportunity to review and reconsider new challenges of the Post 2015 framework and the challenges the Arab countries are going through after the Arab Spring.

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Rethinking the Development Models after Peoples’ Revolutions in the Arab Region
Social Watch – Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND)
27 March 2013 (Slot 1 - 9:00hs-11:30hs)

This session will discuss reconsidering development models in the Arab region in the wake of the peoples’ revolutions.

Events over the last two years in the Arab region have revealed the structural problems of previous development paradigms that have been implemented in most of the region’s countries. People took to the streets to express their rejection of the current situation and this discontent was based on economic grievances, poverty, inequalities, unemployment and deterioration of wages.

Social Watch will define the overall context of development in the region after the revolutions, in terms of the different actors’ role.

Speakers: Roberto Bissio (Social Watch); Mohammad Said Saadi (Morocco); Ziad Abdel Samad (ANND); Sami EL Awadi (UGTT, Tunisia); Salaheddine EL Jourshi (ANND).

“Ends and Means”: Goals, rights and how we get there
A debate on the Post 2015 framework
28 March 2013 (Slot 1 - 9:00hs-11:30hs)

Social Watch and ANND invite you to a lively debate with key authors of the Social Watch Report 2013.

We find ourselves at a crucial point in time; we invite you to join the current global discussions around a set of Sustainable Development Goals and on a new development framework to be put in place when the MDGs expire in 2015.

Social Watch will present its analysis on the obstacles and failures of the Millennium Development Goals for 2015 to discuss what kind of development framework would be needed at international and national level.

Speakers: Tanya Dawkins (Social Watch, Global-Local Links Project); Roberto Bissio (Social Watch); Ziad Abdel Samad (ANND); Bumikha Muchhala (TWN); Dr. Jassim Husain (Bahrain Transparency Society); Marek Hrubec (Social Watch Czech Rep); Jens Martens (GPF Europe, TBC); Aziz Rhali (Espace Associative)

Global Sustainability Goals

The way forward in shaping transformation
towards a more equitable, just and sustainable world?

28 March 2013, 13.00 – 15.30hrs
Université de Tunis El Manar, Faculté de droits, salle de lecture n° 1

The present framework of international development goals centering on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the strategies based on them do not provide adequate answers to the global problems, be it global warming, or the growing gap between rich and poor. Both the debate over a ‘post-2015 agenda’, as well as the agreement by governments at the Rio+20 Conference to start an intergovernmental process of formulating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) now offer the opportunity to readdress holistic concepts of prosperity and progress in society.

How could an integrated system of Global Sustainability Goals look like? What are the principles and normative foundations of a Post-2015 agenda? What lessons can be learned from the MDG experience? How could Global Sustainability Goals be embedded in a rights-based approach to development and a system of fair burden-sharing? And what accountability mechanisms must be put in place?

Speakers: Roberto Bissio (Social Watch); Anita Nayar/Nicole Bidegain (DAWN); Jens Martens (GPF Europe); Ziad Abdel Samad (ANND); Jean Saldanha (CIDSE); Sara Burke (FES New York)

