Defending Civil Society Space in Arab Countries

Freedom of association is an enabling right that underpins inclusive development. The social movements that have flooded the streets of the Arab Spring have the potential to democratize the state and secure democratic transition. However, what Europe calls "Southern Neighbouring" countries are recording alarming shrinking space for civil society, violations of freedom of association and peaceful assembly, coupled with restrictions of the right to access to information and challenges in mobilizing financial resources.

Neighboring countries are recording alarming growing levels of shrinking space for civil society, violations of freedom of association, and expression and restrictions of the right to access to information and challenges in mobilizing financial resources. These factors limit the capacities (financial, structural and organizational) and human resources of civil society organizations, particularly those of advocacy and rights-based organizations targeting policy change. The importance of tackling the issue of freedom of association and enabling environment for civil society, human rights defenders and trade unions in the region is paramount, especially in the light of the revised European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)1 on which bases the EU is going to re-negotiate cooperation priorities with partner countries. However, while defending civil society space and strengthening dialogue on civil political rights as well as Economic, social and cultural rights (ESCRs) is key to ensure stability and prosperity in the southern neighborhood, the revised ENP policy does not outline concrete proposals for promoting and defending the statutory role of CSOs in the implementation phase.

Against this background, this policy briefing aims to shed light on the ongoing existing limitations for civil society, human rights defenders and trade unions in southern neighborhood countries and provides for concrete policy recommendations to the EU in order to strengthen civil society’s enabling environment. It builds on the policy monitoring carried out by civil society organisations across the Euro-Mediterranean Region in 2015, and the information they provided in the 2015 ENP Social Protection Monitoring Reports that have been developed in the framework of the Regional EU-funded programme “Decent Work, Social Protection and Freedom of Association in the Middle East and North Africa Region”.

Read Defending Civil Society Space in Southern Neighbourhood Countries.

Source: Arab NGO Network for Development.

