
The Government’s intentions to deal with the financial crisis without making cuts and adjustments in its social policy programs did not materialize, and in 2010, President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero changed course and announced a package of forceful measures to reduce the public deficit and a labour reform scheme that was heavily criticized by the unions. Another serious consequence of these adjustments is that Official Development Aid (ODA), which Spain had strongly supported, is to be reduced. The Government has missed a glorious opportunity to regulate the role that Spanish enterprises play abroad as contributors to international development.

The Spanish Social Watch (SW) Coalition, constituted by Plataforma 2015 y más [Platform 2015 and Beyond] since 2006, joins the efforts of the social organizations which, within the global SW network, are working for sustainable human development and the fulfilment by governments of international agreements in the fight against poverty and inequality.

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Situación y perspectiva de la lucha contra la pobreza mundial en 2007 - QUINTO INFORME ANUAL DE LA PLATAFORMA 2015 Y MÁS
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Situación de la lucha contra la desigualdad en tiempos de crisis 2008 SEXTO INFORME ANUAL DE LA PLATAFORMA 2015 Y MÁS
The shortcomings in the Spanish economy, adjustments to which were too long delayed, have been laid bare. Faced with spiralling unemployment and the collapse of credit, the Government stands as guarantor but fails to tackle basic issues such as job insecurity, access to housing and the extension of social rights. Similarly with international aid: while Spain consolidates its role as a sympathetic country, essential issues such as global warming and agricultural subsidies are not given the attention they deserve.



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