
Milestone study carried out in the United States shows that if economic growth is not equally distributed, people will never grow happier.

Bachelet in Tunisia.
(Photo: TAP)

Sources: Agence Tunis Afrique PresseTunisiaLiveUNWomen.

“From Tunisia and Egypt to Syria, Yemen, Libya and Bahrain, women have been active participants, calling for democracy, dignity and equality,” said Michelle Bachelet, UN Women Executive Director, at an international conference organised by the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women, national focal point of Social Watch in that country. 

Yao Graham, from TWN-A.
(Photo: Reflection Group)

Sources: Third World NetworkNewsdayZimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation

African governments should be wary of the mining contracts they sign, as those agreements might not help them to get rid of Occidental powers but facilitate the Chinese exploitation, experts said this week at a conference organised by Third World Network-Africa (TWN-A, focal point of Social Watch) and the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) in Harare.

Juan Somavia with
representatives of domestic
workers. (Photo: ILO)

Source: SUNS.

In what is viewed as a historical moment, the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted this month for the first time a landmark convention aimed at protecting between 53 and 100 millions of domestic workers worldwide, reported the South-North Development Monitor from Geneva.

View of the National Safety Court,
according to the governmental
Bahrain News Agency.

Sources: Bahrain Center for Human RightsInternational Federation for Human Rights.

The National Security Court of Bahrain sentenced this Wednesday to life imprisonment 8 of the 21 activists charged of being linked to supposed “terrorist activities”. The 13 others were sentenced to two to fifteen years’ imprisonment, reported several national, regional and international civil society organisations.



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