
The national coalitions that form part of the Social Watch initiative work to end gross inequalities of income and opportunities and to insure the full realization of all human rights for all citizens of the planet, using a variety of strategies including campaigning, lobbying, network-building, awareness-raising, and research. In particular, the campaigning strategy of Social Watch aims to visualize the issues affecting national-level grassroots organizations and give voice to their demands, in order to apply pressure to decision-makers that operate on an international level. This section will feature information on the campaigns lead by the diverse Social Watch national coalitions and those that are being promoted by the network as a whole.

Two months have gone by since the Copenhagen Climate Conference that ended in failure. Through an undemocratic and non transparent process, the Copenhagen Accord was produced which was not adopted by the Conference, but only taken note of.

We are of the view that the time has now come for civil society groups and social movements to make their views known on the process and outcomes of the Copenhagen Conference.

Photo by GeorgieSharp/Flickr

It is now impossible to deny the existence of the causes and consequences of climate change, as the impacts that this phenomenon has produced for the planet and its inhabitants are unmistakeable. Droughts, floods and other rapidly escalating natural disasters principally affect those who are already in situations of poverty and social exclusion. 

Foto: Centro de derecehos de mujeres

Since June 28, Honduras has been immersed in a deep political crisis, which was the day in which the Armed Forces – backed by right-wing political parties, the business sector, the Supreme Court, the Catholic Church, and the majority of the mass media – committed a coup d´etat against the elected President Manuel Zelaya.  At the moment that the coup d´etat took place, President Zelaya had an approval rating of close to 60%. 

Kashmir, India 2008. Photo by John Isaac - UN Photo

From June 24-26, 2009, the historic UN Conference on the Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impacts on Development took place in New York, marking the first opportunity since the global implosion of the financial markets in September of 2008 in which all countries - notwithstanding their geopolitical importance or size of their economies - could participate in the search for a global solution to what is truly a global crisis.



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