Bolivia: Precarious work of the young people in El Alto

The employment situation of young people in El Alto is not different from that of young people living in the biggest cities of central parts of Bolivia. High information grade, the increasing presence in the wage-earning sector and in the tertiary sector economic activities, as well as stronger hiring for low qualification jobs that in fact does not lead to the substantial improvement of the quality of juvenile education, are similar features that also characterize the youth labour dynamics in El Alto.

Nevertheless, considering high information grade at the labour market of El Alto, the situation of young people demonstrates major signs of employment insecurity translated into high employment instability, low income and social vulnerability. In this context,  according to information of the CEDLA, in 2011 only 5 of every 100 employed young people were possessing suitable job positions.

This information and other preliminary elements of the study "Labour Paths of Young People in El Alto" realized by  CEDLA  aim to share some initial reflections on this topic.

Read more here informe.

Source: CEDLA.

