Czech Rep.: Ups and downs in implementing the 2030 Agenda

Tomáš Tozicka (from V
Ekumenické akademii), Ilona
Švihlíková (from Alternativa
Zdola) and Markéta Mottlová
(from Fórum 50 %)

The Czech Social Watch report launched last week in Prague recognizes achievements by its government in social policies, but also criticizes lack of progress in environmental issues. The Czech Republic supports peace and the Sustainable Development Goals, but on the other hand it stimulates arm exports and blocks developing country participation in international fora on tax havens and illicit financial flows. Although the Government generally supports the SGDs and the engagement of non-state actors in the planning process, some governmental departments fail, or in some cases, even refuse to take seriously the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Organized around the five thematic clusters laid out in the Preamble to the 2030 Agenda- People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership, this report looks at the plans for implementation of the SDGs in the Czech Republic. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA), which plays a key role in meeting the social tasks arising from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is in many cases ready for their implementation, or has even implemented them in some form. However, there are serious challenges within each of the clusters, which the report discusses. Although the Government generally supports the SGDs and the engagement of non-state actors in the planning process, some governmental departments fail, or in some cases, even refuse to take seriously the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Source: Czech Republic National Report, Social Watch Report 2016.

