The workshop "Building an Asian community of practice on monitoring and budget analysis" will be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, next July 9 – 11, 2007. The workshop is organized by SILAKA and Social Watch in collaboration with OXFAM- Novib/KIC. Deadline for applications: June 22, 2007.




9 – 11 July 2007

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Organized by SILAKA and Social Watch

In collaboration with OXFAM- Novib/KIC


This workshop is organised bySILAKA, a non-political, non-sectarian local capacity building organization which is also Social Watch’s focal point in Cambodia. SILAKA works to strengthen the capacity of local public, private and government institutions through linkage(s), education and training in core skills and concepts as well as participating or developing and implementing projects that advance transparent and accountable organizational and institutional growth.

Social Watch is an international network of citizens’ organizations struggling to eradicate poverty and the causes of poverty, which aims to ensure an equitable distribution of wealth and the realization of human rights. Social Watch is present in more than 70 countries working to social, economic and gender justice, emphasizing the right of all people not to be poor.

One of the decisions taken in the last Social Watch Assembly (September 2006) was to strengthen the capacities of its national coalitions and the exchange of experiences within regions. In this regard two other workshops will be carried out in Latin America and Africa. These workshops are possible due to the collaboration of OXFAM-Novib through the KIC project: Knowledge Infrastructure with and between Counterparts.

1. Purpose of the project

The project involves an interactive workshop, but aims to promote joint work between the organizations to continue after this specific event. The whole process is based on creating a community of practice focused on linking and learning experiences; exchanging practices among organisations from each region on monitoring, budget analysis, Economic Social and Cultural Rights Based Approach, social indicators, and advocacy tools.

2. Objectives of the workshop

Strengthen participants’ knowledge on budget monitoring, social indicators, rights based approach, advocacy and networking.

Strengthen participants’ skills to better understand and make use of monitoring and evaluation instruments, such as statistics data and indicators (quantitative and qualitative).

Create a space for the exchange of experiences and ideas on the topics of the workshop.

Promote joint work between the organisations and consolidate a sustainable network between watchers and other CSOs or networks.

3. Expected Results

Share useful knowledge that participants will be able to apply in their daily work within their organization and networks.

Produce a Social Watch Occasional Paper, systematizing the lessons learned and summarizing the practice and experience of each organization taking part in the workshop.

Devise a plan to follow up the exchanges between workshop participants in order to promote further joint action after it ends.

4. Methodology

In this programme a variety of training methods and combined pedagogical tools will be used: small group discussions and practical exercises, presentations, case studies, lecture mode, role play, etc.

The process will be participatory, since learners will be actively involved in their own learning.

5. Language

The working language will be English.

6. Schedule of the Programme

Arrivals: 8 July 07

Workshop: 9-11 July 07

Departures: 12 July 07

7. Profile of Participants

Participants will be representatives from groups in Asian countries (NGOs and social movements) engaged in monitoring or willing to engage in monitoring activities in the near future. It is not necessary to be member of Social Watch to apply. Oxfam-Novib counterparts will be especially encouraged to apply.

Participants should be in a position to spread the knowledge and skills they have acquired from the programme and to introduce/implement what they have acquired within their own organisations or environment. The number of participants will be around 20.

All the participants must meet the following selection criteria:

  • Play an active role within an organisation, movement or community, and plan to continue this work in the near future.
  • Be in a position to act as multipliers within their organisation/community.
  • Be able to present the content and context of their work, their way of tackling problems, the challenges they meet and have identified.
  • Already possess some qualification or experience in terms of training and project work.
  • Be committed to attend the full duration of the course and stay engage after the workshop.
  • Ability to function in English.

The process of selection of participants will follow criteria reflecting gender and generational balance and the social, cultural, political and geographical diversity of the region.

8. Financial and Practical Information

The organizers will cover the costs of only one participant per country, including transport, visa costs, accommodation and meals during the workshop.

After selecting one participant per country the organization can select other participants in case they fulfil the profile, but these participants/organizations will have to cover their own costs.

9. How to Apply

You should fill the application form and submit it to Social Watch ( and/or SILAKA ( with a valid signature and stamp from the sponsor organisation, community or group. You must also submit a letter of interest and a letter of recommendation from your organization.

A maximum of twenty (20) participants will be selected following the criteria outlined above. All candidates will be informed of their application status by the end of June 2007. Then the organisers will start all the necessary arrangements with the selected participants.

10. Deadline for applications

Application forms should be sent in no later than 22 June 2007.

Fichier attachéTaille
2007-KIC-Call-for-Applications-eng.pdf40.75 KB
2007-KIC-Application-form-eng.doc94 KB
2007-KIC-Call-for-Applications-french.pdf61.2 KB
2007-KIC-Application-form-french.doc112 KB

