Échos de la presse
Source: . Published on Sat, 2016-07-09 00:20
BHOLA, Bangladesh, Jul 9 2016 (IPS) - Four years ago, Farzana Aktar Ruma, now 18, was almost married off without her consent. Her parents had settled on someone they considered a reasonably wealthy young man with a good family background, and did not want to miss the opportunity to wed their eldest daughter. |
Source: . Published on Fri, 2016-07-08 00:00
The Philippine economic growth is unjust and not sustainable, as the nation's wealth is concentrated among few billionaires and highly dependent on fossil fuels, according to Social Watch Philippines. "A just and sustainable growth ensures that no one is left behind," Isagani Serrano, SWP co-convenor and Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement president, said on Friday. |
Source: . Published on Wed, 2016-06-15 00:00
Varios expertos discutieron sobre los beneficios y perjuicios de las alianzas público-privadas en el sector de la ayuda para el desarrollo. Entre ellos, Roberto Bissio, Coordinador de Social Watch. |
Source: . Published on Sun, 2015-11-15 23:00
Montevideo, 16 Nov (Roberto Bissio*) -- The statistical experts of the United Nations agencies and 28 countries have come with a controversial list of 159 "generally agreed" indicators to measure the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved last September by Heads of State and Government at the UN General Assembly. Traditionally, development agencies have tried to summarize in a single indicator or index complex development goals. |
Source: . Published on Thu, 2015-11-12 23:00
Title : TWN Info: SDG indicators - Counting the trees, hiding the forest Contents: |
Source: . Published on Sat, 2015-09-26 00:00
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) negotiated painstakingly over two years by all UN Member States with thousands of public interest organizations providing their commitment and expertise have been copyrighted. And by whom? The UN you would think? But no. They have been re-branded as Global Goals (GGs) and the copyrighted by Project Everyone, a private company incorporated and registered in London. |
Source: . Published on Thu, 2015-09-24 00:00
Last August 2 in New York, the United Nations agreed on the new sustainable development agenda as the guide for their global, regional and national policies over the coming fifteen years. At the core of this new global consensus, seventeen “sustainable development goals” (SDGs) spell out a vision for a better future where poverty everywhere will be eradicated, inequalities within and between countries will be substantially reduced, and current unsustainable consumption and production patterns will be transformed. |
Source: . Published on Wed, 2015-08-19 00:00 |
Published on Fri, 2015-05-22 09:38
Le gouvernement Couillard fait fausse route en croyant faire des économies sur le dos de la santé publique, estime l’économiste canadienne Armine Yalnizyan. Cette dernière critique vertement les compressions de 30 % imposées à la santé publique, allant jusqu’à dire que cela revêt des allures de censure. «Le problème avec la santé publique, c’est que les impacts ne se mesurent pas à court terme. On peut faire des coupes aujourd’hui, mais on n’en verra pas les effets sur la santé de la population avant vingt ou trente ans. Et ça, c’est dramatique.» |
Source: . Published on Tue, 2015-03-31 00:00
The Sustainable Development Goals differ radically from the current Millennium Development Goals in many aspects. Our author demonstrates the challenges that departing from a donor-oriented development framework poses – particularly for the North, and also with a view to its own development. |