Échos de la presse

This shadow report counters the official discussions at the UN headquarters, providing its own comprehensive and independent assessment of the implementation of each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), based on experiences and reports by national and regional groups and coalitions from all parts of the world.

Announcing a New Chapter by the South Centre's Senior Advisor on Finance and Development in the SPOTLIGHT 2030 report

Industrialization, inequality and sustainability: what kind of industry policy do we need?
by Manuel F. Montes

The 2017 Spotlight on Sustainable Development report provides a comprehensive independent assessment of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals. The 2017 edition focuses on privatization, partnerships, corporate capture and the impact they have on sustainability and inequality. According to the report, it is time to counter privatization trends, reclaim public policy space and take bold measures to strengthen public finance, regulate/reject PPPs to – in effect – weaken the grip of corporate power on people’s lives. These are indispensable prerequisites to achieve the SDGs and to turn the 2030 Agenda into reality.

Einladung zur Vorab-Präsentation 

Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017
Reclaiming policies for the public

Privatization, partnerships, corporate capture and their impact on sustainability and inequality - assessments and alternatives.

Report of the Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

UNITED NATIONS (IDN) – As the United Nations assesses the implementation of its 2030 Agenda for Development, including its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the estimated funding needs keep skyrocketing --- from the initial millions and billions to trillions of dollars annually.

Alla vigilia del Vertice di Roma, occasione in cui i Leader dei Paesi UE si apprestano a celebrare il sessantesimo anniversario dei Trattati di Roma e discutere del futuro dell’UE, oltre 7.000 organizzazioni della società civile hanno inviato una lettera congiunta ai leader dei 10 Paesi Membri impegnati da tre anni nel negoziato per l’introduzione di una Tassa europea sulle Transazioni Finanziarie (TTF). Il futuro dell’UE passa anche dall’adozione di misure come questa che rappresentano una risposta concreta alle istanze dei cittadini sempre più schiacciati da politiche che privilegiano il potere di pochi a discapito del benessere di tutti.

C’est un phénomène que l’on constate partout en Europe et qui s’avère tout aussi inquiétant en République tchèque, pays où les inégalités salariales entre hommes et femmes sont parmi les plus marquantes à l’échelle européenne : les femmes tchèques sont deux fois plus exposées au risque de tomber dans la pauvreté que les hommes. Cet écart est particulièrement marqué chez les personnes âgées et les familles monoparentales, comme le constate dans son rapport publié à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des femmes, la branche tchèque de la plate-forme Social-Watch.

Ženám v Česku hrozí chudoba mnohem víc než mužům. Nejvíc ohrožené jsou samoživitelky s dětmi a seniorky, které zůstaly samy. Velký problém dál představuje i násilí vůči ženám. Výsledky výroční zprávy o rovnosti pohlaví zveřejnila v úterý česká koalice mezinárodní sítě Social Watch při příležitosti Mezinárodního dne žen.

Tato slova zaznívají v jedné výrazné scéně jednoho proslulého normalizačního propagandistického seriálu (lze přitom jen doporučit jisté kreativní využití této scény...).



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