
Three years after the typhoon destroyed more than a million homes and killed 6,000 people, the Philippines has fallen far short on house-building pledge.

MUCH is made of the public-private partnership (PPP). This is where the public and private sectors combine to produce outcomes which are favorable to the nation. In practice, this has meant Luzon-based transportation infrastructure projects. Visayas and Mindanao have been largely left out. President Duterte will change this. Which is partly why a whopping 62 percent of Mindanaoans voted for him. In a presidential contest where there were four highly supported candidates, this is a remarkable mandate.

The Philippine economic growth is unjust and not sustainable, as the nation's wealth is concentrated among few billionaires and highly dependent on fossil fuels, according to Social Watch Philippines.

"A just and sustainable growth ensures that no one is left behind," Isagani Serrano, SWP co-convenor and Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement president, said on Friday.

Breaking Through to Sustainability

By Isagani Serrano

Social Watch Philippines, 2014.

Gustave Assah.

Les participants à la réunion de stratégie de la société civile sur le suivi et la responsabilisation organisée par Social Watch en février dernier à Montevideo ont été demandés de donner leur opinion sur la façon dont ils travaillent et se rapportent personnellement à l'énorme tâche de rendre les puissants responsables.
Voici ce qu'ils ont dit :

Voir toutes les vidéos ici.

Alternative Budget, Fiscal Year 2014

Social Watch Philippines, 2013.



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