SOCIAL WATCH E-NEWSLETTER - Issue 95 - July 27, 2012

Issue 95 - July 27, 2012

A transnacional company that earns globally and fires locally

Armine Yalnizyan. (Photo: CCPA)

The closure in Peterborough, Canada, of a plant of the world’s biggest chain of ice-cream shows once again how the global economy affects the local economies, especially the employment and the salaries, explains in a column for The Global and Mail Armine Yalnizyan, senior economist at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).
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Significant contribution of industrial agriculture to climate change

A recently published review paper compares the differences in greenhouse gas contributions between the industrial and agro-ecological production systems and finds that the first one contributes significantly to global warming, representing a large majority of total agriculture-related emissions, reported Lim Li Ching, of the Third World Network (TWN), on the Biosafety Information Centre web page.
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Burmese lawyers suspicious of reforms

Despite the political reforms that include the release of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi in 2010 and the multiparty by-elections last April, the Burma Lawyers’ Council (BLC, national focal point of Social Watch) warns there has been little substantive change so far. Doubts on the sincerity of the transition to democracy persist.
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Bulgaria: Government does not regulate nor monitor women’s rights

Bulgarian government lacks of bodies in charge of regulating and monitoring gender equality, warned this month the civil society delegation to the 52nd Session of the Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The NGOs were represented by the Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (focal point of Social Watch) and the Gender Alternatives Foundation, with the support of the Alliance for Protection against Domestic Violence.
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Eritrea: Humanitarian, political and economic crises are worsening

In its last regular session this month in Pretoria, the General Council of the Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR, national focal point of Social Watch) took note of the worsening humanitarian, political and economic crises in the African country, and underlined that every effort should be exerted to bring about durable solutions for those who need protection.
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Liberia honors Mirjam van Reisen

The government of Liberia has honored Mirjam van Reisen, occupant of an endowed chair at Tilburg University, with a Golden Image Award, in recognition of her efforts to help women end conflict in Liberia and other countries. Van Reisen, also founder and director of Brussels-based Europe External Policy Advisors and a member of the coordinating committee of Social Watch, has been instrumental in helping women leaders in Africa and other conflict regions demand their rights under UN Security Council Resolution 1325.
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ANND, Eurostep and CNCD 11.11.11 organize week of advocacy on EU-Arab relations

The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), in cooperation with Eurostep and CNCD-11.11.11, will arrange a delegation of human rights and development civil society organizations from about 10 Arab countries to visit the European institutions in Brussels, between 17 and 21 September. The meetings are to see exchanges between Arab representatives and European policy makers on issues of common concern.
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