NÁVOD KE HRE: Závery Svetového summitu sociálního rozvoje a Svetové konference o ženách z roku 1995 byly v roce 2000 na Summitu tisíciletí potvrzeny 189 hlavami státu a lidstvo zapocalo svuj závod s casem o odstranení chudoby, dosažení rovnosti mezi pohlavími a splnení Rozvojových cílu tisíciletí do roku 2015.


The World Summit for Social Development and the World Conference on Women in 1995 were re-affirmed by 189 Heads of State in the Millennium Summit in 2000, and a worldwide race has started to end poverty, achieve equality between the sexes and reach the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

Since 1995 Social Watch has presented a summary of the situation of countries in relation to the 2000 targets set as part of the commitments assumed by governments at the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen and the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, and in relation to the goals set for the year 2015 in the Millennium Declaration. For this edition we have developed a monitoring strategy by thematic area that incorporates and consolidates the dimensions of analysis relating to development and human security, in line with the approaches defined at the international summit meetings.

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