Social Watch News


Wednesday 18 November 2009, 10:30.

In view of global crises, human rights must be enforced against economic interests!

This Wednesday 18 November, the Germany Social Watch Report 2009, Globale Krisen – Soziale Folgen und politische Konsequenzen (Global Crises - Social impact and political consequences) will be launched in the Convention center in the building of the Federal Press, Room 0107
Schiffbauerdamm 40, corner Reinhardtstr. 55, 10117 Berlin

Eurostep - Social Watch - WIDE - Karat
Published by: Eurostep & Social Watch
Produced by: EEPA
February 2005

After September’s G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, USA (detailed in the “News” section of this e-bulletin), the next meeting of this elite global club is scheduled to take place in Huntsville, Canada in June 2010. “Spotlight On…” will also turn its gaze to that North American country, with this month’s profile focused on Social Watch Canada.

By Roberto Bissio, Social Watch Coordinator

Time has come. In the Social Watch 2009 Report, People First, members of the network from around the world have called on their Governments to retool the stimulus packages they received to face the global crisis so they increase wages, expand social security coverage for the most vulnerable, strengthen local enterprises, and assist family farmers. This month, the Social Watch General Assembly to be held in Ghana, will be an invaluable opportunity to discuss and plan the actions for a coordinated and effective action on both the national and international levels.

This month, “Spotlight On…” will turn its attention to the Middle East, to take a look at the experience of the Social Watch coalition in Morocco, one of the most broad-based and active groups of Watchers in the Maghreb region, who will be hosting this year´s regional capacity building workshop in October.

Avance de investigación

Equipo de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales
Social Watch 
Junio de 2004 



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